Legolas climbing up a rock to where Aragorn stands listening to the Uruk Hai
Legolas running to follow Aragorn ahead of him
Legolas calling Gimli: �Come on Gimli!�
Legolas turning back around
Legolas running, (closer up) to follow Aragorn ahead of him
Legolas climbing to the top of the rock, calling to Gimli & continuing on
Legolas running ahead of Aragorn, but stopping when Aragorn finds something
Legolas stopping when Aragorn finds something
Legolas moves toward Aragorn to see what is in his palm
Legolas looking down at the badge in Aragorn's palm
Legolas frowning & thinking, creasing his forehead & predicting to Aragorn
Legolas is fixated on Aragorn�s movement, thinking
Legolas looks triumphantly ahead, reassured
Legolas leans in toward Aragorn to hear him speak
Legolas turning around, making sure Gimli is not far behind
Legolas looking ahead, determined, at the land he is about to cover (small)
Legolas running to catch up with Aragorn
Legolas running to catch up with Aragorn (2)
Legolas running, not far behind Aragorn, his gaze fixed
Legolas (now ahead) & Aragorn running up rocks
Legolas (now ahead) & Aragorn & Gimli running up rocks
Legolas (now ahead) & Aragorn & Gimli running up rocks (2)
Legolas & Aragorn mounting atop a high rock
Legolas & Aragorn atop a high rock, overlooking Rohan
Legolas running to a peak
Legolas scanning the area in front of him thoughtfully
Legolas on a peak, spying Uruk Hai: "The Uruk turn North East ..."
Legolas on a peak, spying Uruk Hai: "They are taking the hobbits ..."
Legolas on a peak, spying the Uruk Hai: "... to Isengard!"
Legolas & Aragorn running ahead to follow the Urk Hai trail
Legolas speeding and bounding across the land, his bow in hand
Legolas speeding and bounding across the land, his bow in hand (2)
Legolas following Aragorn suit
Legolas runs further, and distracted by the Uruk he can see: "They ..."
Legolas loses a little pace as he speaks: "... run as if the very ..."
Legolas observes: "... whips of their master were behind them."
Legolas continues to quicken pace
The Three Hunters bounding along the steep countryside
The Three Hunters bounding along the steep countryside (2)
Legolas & Aragorn running through the land as the sun sets ahead of them
Legolas, Gimli & Aragorn running through the land as the sun sets ahead
Legolas & Aragorn running further along the land as the sun sets ahead
Legolas sensing something and holding back against pink sunset
Legolas believing: "A red sun  ..."
Legolas thinking: "... rises ..."
Legolas presuming: "Blood has been spilt this night."
Legolas finished speaking, standing still against the pink sunset
The Three Hunters walking at high speed across the mountainside
The Three Hunters walk steeply down a hill
Legolas looking at Aragorn looking at what is ahead
Aragorn looking at Legolas for confirmation for what he is seeing
Legolas & Gimli standing & looking to the side, where Rohirrim can be seen
Legolas & Aragorn (looking ahead) hiding behind a rock as the Rohirrim ride past (side)
Legolas & Aragorn (looking to side) hiding behind a rock as the Rohirrim ride past (side)
Legolas & Aragorn hiding behind a rock and looking out from it to see (front)
LotR: tHe TwO tOwErS
Hunt in Rohan Images.
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