
Swimming!! I LOVE swimming, although I rarely get to swim, which is kinda sad.
I can't say that I swim so well but I can do the FRONT CRAWL,which is also known as Freestyle.
I've never taken swimming classes before but my dad used to teach me how to swim when I was younger.
It was hard at first but I managed to do it. Yayy for me!!
Ohh and, I almost forgot. I also know how to swim backstroke.
It's very relaxing though at first it was exhausting to balance myself

4 main types of swimming style ;
Front crawl ( My personal favourite )


  • often the preferred stroke of seasoned swimmers.
  • fast and efficient.
  • fastest of all swimming strokes
  • used in freestyle competitions and in the swimming leg of triathlons.
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Butterfly stroke

butterfly stroke

butterfly stroke2
  • stands out among the competitive strokes because of it's unique and spectacular technique.
  • second fastest swim stroke after freestyle
  • hard to learn and is quickly exhausting ♪
    But once you have mastered it, swimming a few lengths of butterfly can be a lot of fun!
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  • swum on the back ( obviously )
  • faster than breaststroke but slower than butterfly.
  • gives the back an excellent workout.
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  • most popular swim stroke of all.
  • often the first swimming stroke taught to beginners.
  • beginners can keep their head above the water
  • More experienced swimmers however submerge their head during the stroke cycle to improve efficiency.
  • slowest of the competitive strokes.
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