
as i nonchalantly drank my way through another uninvolving day, i went looking through some old junk i had laying in the back of my closet (as far as i can remember, i don't think i've thrown anything away within the past ten years) and, while pushing aside a giant dried-out brick of art class clay, ended up coming across some old papers from my high school days. i was glancing over a couple from my computer basics class and came across a paper that i had graded back when i was a t.a. in that class (i believe it was the final, if memory serves). one of the questions on the test was to quote the one thing that my computer basics teacher used to say all the time. it was sort of the motto she lived by, i guess. anyway, the quote was the unsurprisingly upbeat yet highly unimaginative, "inch by inch, life's a cinch!" however, on this one particular paper, a young female student, seemingly with an abundance of thought and lacking any hint of jest, wrote down, "life's a cinch, grow an inch!" in the required answer field. i don't know why, but that got a bit of a laugh out of me. i also noticed that instead of marking it wrong, i actually gave her full credit for it. if you ask me, she deserved it.

well, i thought it was funny, anyway...

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