a bright future, indeed!

after i graduate from high school, i don't really see my life changing at all, at least certainly not for the better. i mean, look at me now! i'm probably the laziest student in all of my classes. but after i graduate from high school, i'll probably begin to slack off even more! i can just see it now: a large brown stained couch, and me, sitting on it. naturally, i'll be big and fat and have a potmarked beer gut. i'll have an oily tv remote control in one hand, and a nasty warm beer in the other. and i'll take turns switching them between hands every now and then, just to keep things interesting. my hygiene will probably go bad, so in order to avoid doing any laundry, i probably just won't wear anything. people will avoid coming over to see me, which is okay, since i'll probably be too fat and lazy to get up from the couch to let them in. and even if people do come over and i do let them in, they probably won't hang around for long or come back a second time, after seeing me naked and all. after a while, i'll become so lazy that i won't even bother to pay the electric bill and they'll shut it off. i'll be forced to entertain myself by making shadow puppets with a flashlight that i'll find buried in the mattress of the couch along with all the skittles and pennies. i should probably make sure and remember to save the tv remote control's batteries. i'll need them once the flashlight's batteries die out. it's always good to plan ahead.

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