
chou aniki: great brother


About your webpage on Chuoaniki

You should take into consideration your website's audience. I have seen a previous incarnation of this website where you had a group of received emails posted so I know you have a large audience comprised of young preteens who are very impressioneable and should not be shown what you show on your special page about Chuoaniki, especially because homosexuality is wrong and many people say it is a sin. It should not be glorified or presented as being acceptable. It is also not funny because it is an adult matter. If you wish to associate yourself with this type of adult subject matter then that is your choice. But young people are not adults and should not be exposed to this. Please take what I say into consideration and thank you for your time. I look forward to a reply.

for someone who doesn't have access to either my site stats or all of my e-mail feedback, you sure do seem to believe that you know everything there is to know about this website; who my visitors are, how frequently they view this site, what should and shouldn't be featured here, etcetera, etc. you also seem to believe that you know what site viewers should and shouldn't be exposed to, as if it's really any of your business to begin with.

btw, nice try with the different e-mail address, but the fact that you stupidly listed this new address under a certain yahoo! profile shows that you're the same homophobic moron i chatted with a couple months ago. and after taking everything you've ever said to me into consideration, congratulations, i now believe you to be borderline batshit insane. i now ask that you consider dropping your internet crusade and stick to teaching sunday school, where everybody over the age of 20 is just as ignorant as you are.

oh well, whatever you decide to do from here on, thanks anyway for giving me a reason to post a gif animation sequence from the first level boss battle of chou aniki: kyuukyoku muteki ginga saikyou otoko (great brother: ultimate invincible milky way's strongest man). for your enjoyment, of course, and i'm sure the little kiddies out there will appreciate it as well.

oh god... MY EYES!!1

how sad... i actually wasted my entire afternoon making this shit.

re: @