

fag chat

I have a comment.

On your latest chat: wow, you really tore into that guy. I think he really believed he was only trying to help, in a way. Even though he did act a bit mental. Especially at the end when he lost his composure. Oh well, it was still pretty funny.

some pretentious prick with a bible contacts me so he can call me a fag because of my association with one. he wasn't trying to help me; he had already subconsciously damned me (and alex) to hell well before he had decided to contact me. needless to say, once chou aniki entered the picture, i could tell where the conversation was heading next, and i honestly wasn't in the mood for it at the time. so since i didn't feel like waiting for him to get around to mentioning the hello kitty vibrator either, i decided to let loose on the jesus freak with the intended (and accomplished) goal of chasing his sorry ass away. i'm not sure what he was really trying to accomplish, or if he was even for real, but the man certainly seemed to have a few peculiar issues that i don't think any god can help him with. and yes, the fact that the word "dicksauce" caused him to snap at the end was kind of funny. or maybe he just doesn't like coffee?

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