
nathan "nate dawg" mathers


Where did Eminem's little bro go, yo?

Hey there, long time no email :) This won't be long, I'm just wondering what happened to Nate Mathers' website? I keep seeing a login page where it should be. Was it taken down? I didn't get to see it either :( Anyway, that's it, catch you later Wally Gator! xoxoxo ;P

hello nutty girl i vaguely remember. yeah, it was taken down. just about every major humor website out there was linking to him, so the guestbook ended up being overrun with big meanies making fun of little ol' nathan and his ridiculous homepage (which apparently took THREE PEOPLE to create it), so the page was taken down as a result of the slander. since i like you enough to bother, i've managed to recreate a very heavily "abbreviated" version of the site using the site's actual opening quote and obviously stolen images & gif animations, collected from various online sources, presented below for your amusement (i'm deliberately withholding his contact info, however). it's at least a sampler, if nothing else (all text in parenthesis are comments by me).

"WelCuM PEePZ! ThiS iS mAh SiTe! CreaATeD By NaTe MaTheRz, ViC HaNsEn & TaBaThA NiELz my GuRl!"

(this is nathan looking like we should give a damn.)

(again, apparently we should be impressed.)

(this is an image he posted from a quizilla quiz he took, the results being something about dying and/or going to jail for illegal drug use, although that shit looks like plain old sudafed to me.)

(i guess he thought this was FuNiE.)

(apparently, it also causes bad web design, too.)

(another image posted from a quizilla quiz he took, the results being something about going down, FOR MURDER! because we all know that murder is cool, kids... right?)

btw, even though the main content on the site is gone, the page is still accessible (it might take a couple clicks before it appears), as well as the guestbook, which pretty much defeats the purpose of taking down the content of the site since you can still slander him anyway. poor dope.

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