
rael: the bunnygirl


Hey Moron!

Hmmm well you a odd one ar'nt you eh. How can you find offence in rael?

Why don't you get a life, lean to relax a little and just chill?

I know Rael might not say this but you are a total idiot. Why don't you go and look at yourself first hmm?.

Or in reality are you the Loser? I think so if you take offence at Rael. So in the long run get a life and stop complaining and such about people that have'nt even harmed you.

ok, let's break it all down:

>Hmmm well you a odd one ar'nt you eh.

yes. obviously.

>How can you find offence in rael?

i'm sorry, i didn't even realize that i was offended by rael. thank you for pointing this out to me.

>Why don't you get a life, lean to relax a little and just chill?

you know, you're really good at pointing out the obvious. did you take a class for this or something?

>I know Rael might not say this but you are a total idiot.

i know rael would not say this 'cause i'm pretty sure rael isn't a total fucking asshole like i am. and possibly you as well.

>Why don't you go and look at yourself first hmm?.

although unclear, this statement seems to imply that i, total idiot, called rael "a total idiot" and therefore, should look into a mirror to see that i, already established total idiot, should not be calling another total idiot "a total idiot" for that would make me hypocritical. which is great. except that i never once referred to rael as a total idiot. nor, as far as i can tell, did i ever imply it.

>Or in reality are you the Loser?

you catch on quick. i certainly hope the very noticeable title on the front index page of my personal website, as well as on the top of your web browser when viewing any subsequent page, didn't give it away.

>I think so if you take offence at Rael.

despite the fact that i have absolutely no reason whatsoever to be offended by rael, nevertheless, thank you anyway for helping me to finally realize that i am indeed offended by rael. at least according to you, anyway.

>So in the long run get a life and stop complaining and such about people that have'nt even harmed you.

maybe you should go and look over that special page about rael again. and try glancing over a couple of the other pages while you're at it, too. you'll realize that i'm a very negative asshole, and very self aware of it. when i'm not trying to be cynical, i'm bitching and moaning about how much i hate everything. if anything, i'm venting. big fucking deal.

but of course, this isn't about that; this is about rael, who i have no problems with whatsoever. i don't even know the person. i made a somewhat cynical comment about the person and provided a link. the end. hell, i even made a remark on how nice rael's fake tits look.

freaky as they may appear, i have no problem with people who get their kicks by dressing up as fantasy characters. as long as they're not hurting anybody, then more power to 'em. and believe it or not, i actually appreciate the feedback, but i'm bored and hungry, so i'll just assume that this clears up any confusion and leave it at that.

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