sonoko suzuki


Sonoko Suzuki's corpse strikes a pleasant pose.
A popular fad among many Japanese women, particularly certain celebrities, is the whitening of one's skin as a form of beauty modification. Of all the celebrities in Japan known for the whiteness of their skin, no one rivals diet guru and beauty icon Sonoko Suzuki. Dubbed the "Queen of White Beauty", Sonoko Suzuki originally gained fame as a dieting expert (when she was previously known as the "Diet Queen"), eventually creating her own health-based company through the "revolutionary" nutritional method she advocates known as the Suzuki Sonoko Nutrition Theory, which primarily consists of using no oil or additives in food preparation, done all in the name of beauty (she would later write a bestselling book on this). This would, of course, eventually lead to the creation of her own line of beauty cosmetics, all of which basically involved the whitening of your facial skin (once again, done all in the name of beauty). Having gained national attention for her Nutrition Theory, she would later live out the rest of her remaining years making multiple appearances on national television, becoming a well known and liked television personality with a great sense of humor.

Presented here is a brief image gallery depicting Sonoko and her ever-changing looks throughout her lifetime:

She was quite the hottie back then.

At age 20, she was actually very pretty.

A bit pale, but still not too bad.

At age 48, she still didn't look that bad, even after a couple facelifts.

Scientist Suzuki

Unfortunately, the poor girl just didn't know when to stop herself, so the more facelifts she received, the less face she seemed to end up having as time went on.


Two young Japanese schoolgirls take a peek into the company building of Sonoko Suzuki to catch a glimpse of a giant doll made in the likeness of the Queen of White Beauty.

Senior Citizen Suzuki

An excellent example of her porcelain visage. At this point, her exact age was basically up in the air.

She looks dead already.

Sonoko Suzuki, a couple months before her death (from pneumonia) at the age of 68 in December 2000.

Skeleton Suzuki
Despite being considered a "beauty expert", many consider her to be quite hideous, primarily due to the fact that the multiple facelifts she had received over the years had resulted in her face gaining the likeness of a Grim Reaper mask. But thanks to her great sense of humor, she never took any of the criticism seriously and would even play along with jokes of her own during many of her televised talk show appearances. Without a doubt, it is easy to see why she is a well known icon who deserves at least some respect for having helped those who have suffered from the likes of obesity, anorexia, and other lifestyle related illnesses.

To learn more about the life & times of Sonoko Suzuki and her cosmetic company, visit her official website. It's primarily in Japanese, but there may be a few sections available which have been translated into English for the convenience of international visitors. Good luck finding them, though.

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