If you attend Macquarie Fields H.S. you are eligble to enter this competition.  Just be the first to answer all questions correctly and you will receive the kudos of being a History Mastermind, and you will receive a letter home, a prize (Pizza Lunch) and a certificate.

1) Who is Australia's tallest Prime Minister ?
2) What is the link between Artist Norman Lindsay and Australian P.M. John Curtin ?
3) What animal was once made a member of the Roman Senate ?
4) Describe how Ancient Chinese detected earthquakes and their direction.
5) What does semi no koe mean ?
6) What artificial peculiarity is associated with Abu Simbel ?
7) What are the links between Achilles, Alexander the Great and Napoleon ?
8) What do the Mutitjulu own ?
9) I began my career as a fighter at the age of 14 and eventually became a leader of my society.  I had several wives and by the age of 35 I had claimed 63 coups.  I was energetic despite my name.
10) What am I ? I was robbed by the Crusaders of the 4th Crusade and I changed religions in the 1400s. I am located at the gateway to Europe and the Middle East.  I am visited frequently by tourists from around the world.


The Winner of the first History Competition is Milan Skoric. 

The Winner of the second History Competition is Elyse Trotter

The Winner of the third History Competition is Leanne Reeks

The Winner of the fourth History Competition is Michael Jiang

The Winner of the fifth History Competition is Leanne Reeks
[Ask Earl]
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