Translation: Aikido Attacks, Throws, Techniques
Foreword: Manila Aikido Club follow suit basically these Japanese terms. Were used by Sensei Koichi Tohei being the right hand instructor &, The First chief instructor of Aikido World Headquarters under the guidance of O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba then.

Uke - Person being thrown.
Nage/Tori - Person throwing.
Shite - Person throwing.

Shitentai Gamae - Posture
Migi Gamae - Right Side.
Hidari Gamae - Left Side.
Ma-ai - Distance between Nage and Uke.

Hanmi - Stances
Ai Hanmi - Both persons take migi gamae or hidari gamae at the
                same time. Same Side
Gyaku Hanmi - Reverse Stance

Katatetori (katatedori)- Wrist, hand grab.
Ryotemochi - Both hands, wrist grab.(Morotetori)
Ryotetori (ryotedori) - Both hands, wrists grab.
Katatori (katadori) - Shoulder grab.
Ryokatadori - Both shoulder grab.
Monetsuki - Punch to the chest.
Shomenuchi - Strike to top of head.
Ushiro - Strike from the rear.
Kaitennage - Rotary throw.
Shihonage - Four directional throw.
Kotegaeshi - Wrist turning throw.
Tenchinage - Heaven and earth throw.
Kokyunage - Breath throw.(Iriminage)
Koshinage - Hip throw.
Sumiotoshi - Corner drop technique.
Randori - Free style multiple person attack.
Kaeshiwaza - Reversal techniques.
Henkawaza - Middle execution change techniques.
Tanto - A knife.
Tekubi - Wrist
Tori - Person executing a technique.. Opposite of Uke.
Rei - Bow; before & after training sessions.
Shikaku - Dead corner, vulnerable angle.
Shikkou - (samurai walk) Knee walking.
Sutemi - Sacrifice throw.
Tai-Sabaki - Body movement.
Ukemi - The art of attacking and falling.
Tachidori - Sword take away.
Tantodori - Dagger take away.
Irimi - Entering.
Omote - Front.
Tenkan - Turning. Pivoting movement.
Ura - Rear.
Yoko - Side.
Yokomen - Side of head.
Ushiro Ukemi - Back roll falls.
Uchi - Strike or blow
Zak- (Exclusive to MAC) Sitting on one's knees.
Seiza - Sitting on one's knees.
Kokyuho undo - Breath exercise.
Katamewaza - Hold down or pinning techniques.
Suwari Waza - Sitting techniques.
Ushiro Waza - Techniques from rear attacks.
Yudansha - Black belt holder.

Note: Some Aikido terms here are exclusive to Manila Aikido Club
1) Lesson ; katatetori - kokyunage - irimi
                 katatetori - kokyunage - tenkan
                 katatetori - kotegaeshi - irimi
                 katatetori - kotegaeshi - tenkan
                 katatetori - kaitennage - irimi

2) Lesson; katatetori - kaitennage - tenkan
                katatetori - ikkyo - irimi
                katatetori - ikkyo - tenkan
                katatetori - shihonage - irimi
                katatetori - shihonage - tenkan

3) Lesson; ryotetori - tenchinage - irimi
                ryotetori - tenchinage - tenkan
                ryotetori - shihonage - irimi
                ryotetori - shihonage - tenkan
                ryotemochi - kokyunage - irimi

4) Lesson; ryotemochi - kokyunage - tenkan
                ryotemochi - kotegaeshi - irimi
                ryotemochi - kotegaeshi - tenkan
                ryotemochi - ikkyo - irimi
                ryotemochi - ikkyo - tenkan

5) Lesson; ryotemochi - ikkyo - nikyo - irimi
                ryotemochi - ikkyo - nikyo - tenkan
                katatori - kokyunage - irimi
                katatori - kokyunage - tenkan
                katatori - ikkyo - irimi

6) Lesson; katatori - ikkyo - tenkan
                katatori - ikkyo - nikyo - irimi
                katatori - ikkyo - nikyo - tenkan
                katatori - sankyo - irimi
                katatori - sankyo - tenkan

7) Lesson; shomenuchi - kokyunage - irimi
                shomenuchi - kokyunage - tenkan
                shomenuchi - ikkyo -irimi
                shomenuchi - ikkyo - tenkan
                shomenuchi - kotegaeshi - irimi

8) Lesson; shomenuchi - kotegaeshi - tenkan
                shomenuchi - ikkyo - nikyo - irimi
                shomenuchi - ikkyo - nikyo - tenkan
                shomenuchi - shihonage - irimi
                shomenudhi - shihonage - tenkan

9) Lesson;  Shomenuchi - Sodori nage
                 yokomenuchi - kokyunage - irimi
                 yokomenuchi - kokyunage - tenkan
                 yokomenuchi - kokyunage - var.a
                 yokomenuchi - kokyunage - var.b

10) Lesson; yokomenuchi - kotegaeshi - irimi     
                  yokomenuchi - kotegaeshi - tenkan
                  monetsuki - kotagaeshi - irimi
                  mometsuki - kotegaeshi - tenkan
                  monetsuki - kaitennage - irimi

11) Lesson; monetsuki - kaitennage - tenkan
                  monetsuki - ikkyo - nikyo - irimi
                  monetsuki - ikkyo - nikyo - tenkan
                  mometsuki - kotegaeshi - hantai
                  ushiro - tekubitori - kokyunage - var.a

12) Lesson; ushiro - tekubitori - kokyunage - var.b
                  ushiro - tekubitori - kotegaeshi - var.a
                  ushiro - tekubitori - kotegaeshi - var.b
                  ushiro - tekubitori - ikkyo - irimi
                  ushiro - tekubitori - ikkyo - tenkan

13) Lesson; ushiro - tekubitori - sankyo - irimi
                  ushiro - tekubitori - sankyo - tenkan
                  ushiro - tekubitori - kubishime - sankyo- var.a
                  ushiro - tekubitori - kubishime - sankyo- var.b
                  ushiro - hijitori - kokyunage - irimi

14) Lesson; ushiro - hijitori - kokyunage - tenkan
                  ushiro - hijitori - kotegaeshi
                  ushiro - katatori - kokyunage - irimi
                  ushiro - katatori - kokyunage - tenkan
                  ushirotori - undo - nage

Some Aikido terms here are exclusive to Manila Aikido Club.

Copy Right 2007-2008, All Rights Reserved (J.B. Ponce, II Sensei)
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