1) Proper manners and rules should be obeyed, while following the instructions of one's teacher.
  2) Practice should be serious and sincere, but should not inflict an injury on others.
  3) All should participate in cleaning following practice, in order to insure a clean practice of training.
  4) There should be no smoking  in the dojo at any time.
  5) No shoes on the mat.
  6) Be on time for class. If you do happen to arrive late, sit quietly in the sieza on the edge of the mat
      until the instructor grants the permission to join practice.
  7) If you should have to leave the mat or dojo for any reason during class, approach the instructor  
      and ask permission.
  8) Avoid sitting on the mat with your back to the picture of O Sensei or the Kamiza. Also, do not
      lean against the walls or sit with your legs stretched out. (Either sit in sieza or cross-legged.)
  9) Remove watches, ring and other jewelry before practice.
10) Do not bring food or gum  with you into the dojo.
11) Please keep your finger and toe nails cut short.
12) Please keep talks silently during class to a minimum. What conversation there should be restricted to  
      one topic --- Aikido.
13) Carry out the directives of the instructor PROMPTLY. Do not keep the rest of the class waiting for you!
14) Do not engage in rough-housing or needless contests of strength during class.
15) Keep your training uniform clean, in good shape, and free of offensive odors.
16) Harmony should be respected, and the practice should be bright.
17) People observing practice should respect the rules and order of the dojo.
18) All accidents and/or injuries resulting from the practice are responsibility of individual member.
19) Bow in the direction of the KAMIZA when entering and leaving the dojo.
20) Bow to your instructor and instructor bow to student.
21) Bow to Kamiza before the class start.
"Rei"- Means to bow.
"Aikido Sak"- To kneel down.
Manila Aikido Club
since 1963
Dojo Etiquette and Customs:
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