Hua Lin Tang Lang Tan Tui Men (Seeking Leg Praying Mantis from the Hua Lin Temple)

Descendancy Chart for Wang Lang

The information presented in this chart was collected from different sources -see Bibliography-, therefore the romanizations in Pinyin according to the Mandarin pronunciation of the characters sometimes is not available. If you find any mistakes or inaccuracies please contact me.

Shuai Shou Tang Lang

  1. Wang Lang
    1. ???
      1. ???
        1. Cheng Yang Dan

Starts Hua Lin Tan Tui Tang Lang

  1. Li Kun Shan
    1. Wong Kam Wing
    2. Sing Ying Tang
    3. Kam ?? ??
    4. Leung Kung (Hong Kong)
    5. Chen Yun Qing (Hong Kong)
      1. Nelson Chan
    6. Chan Wan Shan
    7. Chan Chi Kwong
    8. Chan Ho Kau
    9. Chen Bei (USA)
      1. Mimi Chan
      2. Tu Truong
      3. Marcus Chinfatt
      4. George Kee
      5. Sam Smith
      6. Shelly Durrell Huang
      7. Jesse Vaughn
      8. Bob Rosen
      9. Francis Aldrich
      10. Michael Johnson (Switzerland)
      11. Jamie McGuire
      12. Stanley Tabor
      13. Noah Mandell
      14. Jeffrey B. Naayers
      15. David Clarkson
      16. David W. Scott
      17. Leroy Kautz
      18. Steve Robinson
      19. Jim Smyer
      20. Robert Roy
      21. Juan Jurado
      22. Ruben Lerma
      23. Dirceu Amaral Camargo (Brazil)
      24. Ricardo Moraes (Brazil)
      25. Dave Hawkins (England)
      26. David Union
      27. Jerome Offutt
      28. Michael Saxon
      29. Dana Ostiguy
      30. Bruce Cohen
      31. Steve Otaviano
      32. Sean Cochran
      33. Troy Provazano
      34. Bruce McCorry
      35. Richard Allen
      36. Dean Wong
      37. Paul Barko
      38. Tom Turcotte
      39. Derek Frearson (England)
      40. Michael McKaris
      41. Rashid Lorenzo
      42. Gene Bernardin
      43. John Quinan
      44. Yves Toussant
      45. Phil Stone
      46. Danny Quaranto
      47. Kenneth Edwards
      48. Arthur Makaris
      49. Michael Makaris
      50. Tracy Fleming
      51. Calvin Bascomb
      52. Paul Capputo
      53. Yao Li
      54. Arthur D'Agostino
        1. Israel Flores
      55. John C. Loupos
        1. Susan McMackin
        2. Jimmy Hassan
        3. Robert Algera
        4. Michael Johnson
        5. Fran Aldritch
      56. Tom Hasse
        1. Dale Herring
        2. Jason Berger
        3. Richard Cummings
        4. Tom Dockery
        5. Robin Liebman
        6. Wilson Martinez
        7. Jesse McLemore
        8. Al Ribickas
        9. Guill Rios
        10. Mike Roseski
        11. John Simmons
        12. Richard Vega
        13. Shelly Wagers
      57. Wallace P. Cupp
        1. Kevin Garcia
      58. Pablo J. Zamora
        1. Oved O. Zamora
        2. Eric Rubio
      59. Lo Wai Chi
        1. Becky Sneed
        2. David Jarman
        3. Gary Voigt
        4. James Defillips
        5. Jeff Cyr
        6. Josh Maitlen
        7. Kristen Lo
        8. Laura Speaks
        9. Lucas Walter
        10. Mike Kirn
        11. Tom Gaynor

(c) stands for Romanizations from Cantonese

Page Updated: 1st January 2008.
If you have comments please contact me !! Fernando Blanco Dopazo .

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