Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL)
What is PVL?

PVL stands for periventricular leukomalacia. "Peri" means "around or near; "ventricular" refers to the ventricles of the brain or the fluid-filled cavities; "leuko" means "white" and "malacia" refers to a softening. So periventricular leukomalacia means a softening of the white tissue surrounding the ventricles.
What causes PVL?

PVL is usually caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain either before, during or just after birth, causing the tissue to soften or die.

What is the cure for PVL?

There is no cure for PVL.

What are some effects of PVL?

Babies with PVL
may develop motor skills difficulty, and if severe enough, mental impairments. 

PVL Resource Page

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin PVL Information
Silver ribbon campaign for disability awareness
This page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for the diagnosis, advice and care from your child's pediatrician.
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