Chrissey's Page
I was born in Mississippi but grew up in Hawaii and went to Punahou School. While at Punahou, I went on two exchange programs with Werkgymnasium Heidenheim in Heidenheim, Germany. After graduating Punahou, I went on to university in Heidelberg, Germany at Schiller International University and Collegium Palatinum. I ended up dropping out to travel around Europe, visiting Maastricht, Netherlands; Portoroz, Slovenia; Paris, France; and of course everywhere around Germany. I eventually made it back home to Hawaii. Rich and I got married in 1992 and we have four great kids. I am hoping to return to work as a medical assistant as soon as I find adequate childcare for my tribe (we unfortunately live in a county where before/after school care is virtually non-existent!).
We now make our home in Virginia. It is nice to finally have a real house with a yard (and lots of it)! The kids loved having their first chance to see and play in the snow. We are so lucky to have great neighbors and lots of great kids for our kids to play with!
Some of my favorites are: M, The L-Shaped Room, The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner, Wim Wenders' movies, Grease, Sayonara, Neverending Story, The Outsiders, Glass Bottom Boat, Midnight Madness, European Vacation, The Match, Into the West, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Willow, The Count of Monte Cristo, Hero, Cloak and Dagger, Once Were Warriors, Run Lola Run, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Harry Potter movies. My newest interest is Japanese horror films like Dark Water, Premonition and The Tale of Two Sisters.
House,  Family Guy, Seinfeld reruns, Antiques Roadshow, The Amazing Race, Treasure Hunters and...yes, I admit it, American Idol.
It's mostly "oldies" (meaning 80s!) like the Ramones, U2, Sade, Sting, Steel Pulse, the Specials, the English Beat, the Cure, Sisters of Mercy...but some of the newer stuff I like is Audioslave, System of a Down, Killers, Hot Hot Heat, Michael Buble and the Mini-bosses.
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Other Stuff
I like playing computer games (RollerCoaster Tycoon, the Sims, Syberia, Myst, Riven), but I am a COMPLETE Infocom FREAK!! I have been trying some new interactive fiction and some of it is pretty good, just like the old school stuff. Baf's Guide is a good place to start.
Some authors I like are Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, Ray Bradbury, Frank McCourt, Lemony Snicket, Douglas Adams, Eoin Colfer. I have been re-reading books I read in high school like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Anon.), Le Morte D'Arthur (Thomas Malory), The Stranger (Albert Camus), Music for Chameleons (Truman Capote), The Picture of Dorian Grey (Oscar Wilde), Der Augsburger Kreidekreis (Bertolt Brecht),  Die Verwandlung (Franz Kafka),  among others.
I enjoy...
Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.
-Oscar Wilde
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