She's our very first puppy. And our very 1st Dachshund. She has given us joy for the past 2 years. We will always be blessed she added new adorable pups to the family..
Although Sparky is not our dog... He has been treated like one. He has been Maochai's partner from the 1st moment our dam reached puberty.
"Max, Scooby, MJ & Lola"

Born on August 26, 2005... the "fantastic four" is Maochai and Sparky's very 1st litter!

Maochai gave birth to 3 black-tan pups and 1 cream pup. 2 males and 2 females. All healthy and Maochai did not have any complications giving birth to them.

Click on the thumbnail to see birthing pictures of the litter.


The eldest of the four litter... He has the biggest head... He is the cutest of the two males and Max is the most darling & sweetest!

He turned out to be our favorite. We often call him "Juggernaut" for his strong personality.


The 2nd of the litter... Also a male. He has the longest ears among his littermates. He is the naughtiest, most active and notorious of them all. He always starts the fight among his littermates, but he will always be loved for his apetite!


"MJ a.k.a. Maochai Jr."

MJ is the 3rd to come out... She is the smallest of the 4 litters. She is a picky milk drinker but will always strive to eat solid food.

She has been rumbled and thumbled for the past weeks of her active life, but she never retreats in a fight from her other littermates.


Lola is the last to come out. She is the only one to have the cream color. She came out weak because Maochai pushed her aside from the rest of the leader. She eventually coped-up with the pack a few hours after birth.

Lola as we call her... is the most cutest. She gives a facial expression that you can never deny her of her needs even when you're in stress.



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