9.3.2003 . Sunday . 22:45

Haven't written here in a while... I've updated the Links page with game links and with an animé one.
Anyway... been with some digestive problems. Mental note: never eat Mac food again. I'll stick to Burger King when eating burgers out. At least I don't get sick with it -_-;
Been doing some C stuff for my FSO project this weekend. Hope to finish it by next weekend tops. This way I have time for other subjects... There's a test of another subject the 4th of April and I intend to pass it. This hay I have a couple of weekends to study for it instead of just one.

14.2.2003 . Thursday . 2:50

Woohoo! Valentine's day *pretends she cares*... Anyway... I fixed a few bugs the page had thanks to Dave. ^^ I also moved the page from sapo to another server. Sapo sucks BAD. -_-; Forking slow even for sapo users. Now it's not so fast either, but at least it's faster than it was before.

Classes started this week... all were introduction classes except a couple of them. Gonna have classes in the morning so I'm gonna sleep now. Buhbye...

13.2.2003 . Thursday . 20:00

And being the lazy person I am, from now on, I'll just copy/past my LiveJournal public entries here everytime I post there from now on. ^^

13.2.2003 . Thursday . 19:35

This isn't my blog yet... I'm having a problem getting a MySQL database so I can update this via php... so... I'm gonna be updating this the traditional way. And obviously, for now, there isn't the option for you readers to comment on it... I'll try to find some script in HotScripts.com that uses a text file instead of a database.

Anyway... as you can see the design is done... And Tai sent me some art of his to put in my friends' art section (which is still looking quite empty *hint*hint*). I'll be trying to put some new art of mine soon. I hope. I just have to stop being lazy and do some scanning.

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