The Marc Allen Band

The Marc Allen Band Bio - #1

The Marc Allen Band, one of the most surprising acts to come out of Utah in a long while, has
no long history stretching back 15 years.   In fact, as a band they are relative
new-comers.   Yet they're one of the most sought-after alternative-country acts in
the region.  Let's back up to the year 2000 ...

Once upon a time, there was a group of talented musicians known as Visionary.
That band had released a rather heavy prog-rock album, and were looking to begin work on
a followup. To help finance this effort, they teamed up with a keyboard player/singer who
had just returned to Utah after a stint in Nashville playing the country circuit, and
began crafting a country music club-act. They needed a bass player to do this, and
contacted Kevin to fill the spot. The resulting band was called The Deep Water Band.
TDWD enjoyed a fair amount of success during an 18 month run, and played rooms such
as Harry O's in Park City, UT.   After 18 months, the Visionary guys had what they needed
to begin recording their next release, 'Strange But Familiar Shores'
on Nightmare Records, and spent the following two years writing and recording that album.
Near the end of this period, they contacted Marc Allen and Kevin Wright to play some shows featuring their music.

Marc and Kevin discovered that they had common musical interests, and as neither were in a band at the time, they decided to form The Marc Allen Band.   Marc had amassed several albums worth of original music, and they used this as the musical basis for MAB.  They picked up two more players and went into rehearsal to put together Utah's most popular country band, playing the club circuit, and performing original music at concerts.

MAB went through a couple of personnel changes, and eventually invited Dawayne King and Ken Fitzpatrick to join the band. Dawayne and Ken as it turns out, were part of the Visionary project. Their new album was finished and they'd been looking for new musical challenges. The timing was perfect, and they joined Marc and Kevin to round out the current MAB lineup.

The guys are full of positive energy, and after two years, are still pushing the envelope to see just what this talented little combo can do.   They are currently working on album #5 titled 'The Marc Allen Band' scheduled for release in 2004.


Questions, comments, sugestions?  Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2002 The Marc Allen Band

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