

The next day, Ned took Chloe on a tour of Port Charles. After showing her the docks, he took her to Kelly's, the local diner. Chloe was so involved with her conversation with Ned that she didn't even realize that Jax was there. And Jax, so involved with his newspaper, didn't notice that Chloe had just walked in. But all of that immediately changed when they literally bumped into each other!

Jax and Chloe greeted each other, and when they started making references to Chloe's broken shoe from last night, Ned was at a loss for conversation.


Chloe told Ned about the shoe incident and how Jax had gave her some pointers on dealing with the Quartermaines and the board meeting. Ned informed Chloe that she could trust him with her heel, trust him with her sole, spelled s-o-l-e, but to never trust Jax with her money. Jax then replied by telling Chloe that whatever Ned said about him was a lie.

He then left the diner with a smile, and leaving Chloe more curious then ever...

To be continued...

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