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How to progress in RJK

1 - When you arrive at RJK, look through the main site and gain as much knowledge of the Order as possible. After that go to the Jedi Forum and post in the "Joining" Forum a topic, explaining why you think you should be a Jedi and explaining a little bit about yourself.

2 - After posting your petition, you should work on posting meaningful posts in the General Talk Forum and try to get to know people better and see how it runs in RJK. You should also talk to the different Jedi and never be afraid to ask Knights and Council Members questions.

3 - If you get approved into the Order you become a youngling. As a youngling you should apply for the Youngling Classes. To apply for the Youngling Classes you will find a topic pinned up in the Jedi Talk section. If you do not find the topic, it means that you will have to wait for a while to sign up. After signing up, you receive those classes by pm.

4 - The Youngling Classes are 5 weeks long. During those 5 weeks you should work on getting to know people better and showing your wisdom and knowledge to the Order and also gaining Knowledge and wisdom from the various topics and teachings you find around the Forums. Do not spam whatsoever.

5 - After taking the Youngling Classes you are automatically allowed to take the Student Trials. Send your answers to one of the Student Trials Correctors (Currently listed on the Jedi Forum).

6 - Be patient while waiting for the Student Trials results. When you receive the results, see if you have passed or not. If you have passed you have become a Jedi Student. Now you just have to reply to the certificate so your status can be changed on the Forums and on the Main Site.

7 - As a Jedi Student there are many things you could do. Read this topic to find out about all the things you could do as a Student: Using your time as a Jedi Student Only younglings and above can view this topic so don't be confused if you are a Visitor.

8 - Only after that ask a Knight or Master privately to take you on as a Padawan or post a request publicly in the "Padawan Request" Forum. You might also find a topic a Knight or Master has opened, who is currently looking for a Padawan.

9 - After getting taken as a Padawan you start receiving lessons from your Master and he starts teaching you different things about life, the force, the sword and morals.

10 - After your Master finishes training you and gives you permission to take the Knight Trials, you do so and send your answers to a Knight Trials Corrector. (Currently Master Mi-Zhe Fu or Master Silmerion Skywalker).

(Page by Jedi Knight Joey-Wan Kenobi and edited by Jedi Master Mi-Zhe Fu)

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