
You should take the Pre-Trials before taking the Trials.

Send your answers by e-mail to Jedi Knight Bioness. His e-mail for this is: [email protected]

Pre-Trial Questions:

1. What would you do to help the order and the Community in which you live in as a Jedi?

2. As a Jedi, many responsibilities are put on yourself. How would you deal with these responsibilities?

3. What would you do to convince the council and the other Jedi in this order you are ready?

4. Jedi is a self sacrificing decision that cannot be taken lightly, what would you sacrifice to become a Jedi? why?

5. What do you hope to accomplish in becoming a Jedi?

6. Respect is important in the order, How would you show respect to your elders in rank?

7. How will you portray yourself as a Jedi?

8. Jedi, although they can be powerful in the Force, do not want to accomplish power. How would you deal with this new power you may obtain?

9. Why do you believe you should be a Jedi?

10. Please give me your answer to this scenario:

You and your master are in training. He tells you to do something against the will of the Council, and he has shown you something that you believe to be of the Sith. he tells you he has become a Sith and plans to destroy the Order. What do you do?
A- Inform the council of this plan and help them destroy this Sith.
B- Tell your master that you know he is a Sith and you want to join him.
C- Allow the council to find out for themselves for they ARE the council members.
D- Destroy your master before he can do anything.
E- Tell another Jedi of your masters betrayal to the order and defeat him together.
F- Try to persuade him of his error.
G- Do nothing and pretend you didn't know.

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