Transylvania is a lovely spot for a nocturnal vacation...

Wanna buy a subscription to Better Caves and Gardens...?



Spinning around like this can drive you batty...
drip drip drip

I am the ORIGINAL Batman...he kicked me out of my cave...
O you are so negativeyoung vampires get to be the teams batboyVampires in Louisiana live in Baton RougeDo you have any bats living in your attic...?vampire baseball bats...?
Remember to B positive...
too high an alcohol level in your blood stream... Don't drive....

Bloody good show what....



[email protected]

Graphic images
copyright © 1998-1999-2000-2001 Mike Skellenger

Mad Maniac Mutant Monsters Merrily 
Munching Mandrake Morsels.....
Making Mighty Mayhem Mode........
Mortuary Moments Magically Memorized...
Mortals Mentally Mesmerized...
Macabre Malefic Madrigals 
Mandate Martial Martyrs' Mausolea...
Malodorous Mojo Meantime 
Mediated Mobocrats...
Megalithic Memoirs 
Murder Midlife Matrix........
Mirky Midnight Mirages 
Mystify & Mangle Mnemonics.


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