Canabalism avoids mad cow disease...toad away...?toadstools are usually not edible unless prepared by a professional...bite me!
Remember to protect yourself from STDs
Better safe than sorry, eh?
 READ: Stephen King's
- Needful Things...

Don't walk under ladders...Danger Will Robinson! DANGER!Don't break any mirrors...
Don't step on a crack or you will break your mother's back...
Watch out for black cats...
Nevermore... nevermore...Have a first aid kit available at your parties...911
Halloween can be one of the most
fun holidays of the year.
It can also be one of the most dangerous.
We often remember to tell kids to be careful, 
but then ignore the safety advice for ourselves.

Here are a few reminders for adults
as well as children.

    for KIDS...

    Watch out for the bogey man...  NEVER go trick-or-treating alone!
          Go with friends and or parents...

    Your treasure map should be updated every year...  Plan your Halloween route to visit
          all the people you know in your

    not a trip you want to take...  Walk-don't run-from house to house. 

    SPLAT!  Look carefully before
          crossing a street. 

    they don't work well in the daylight...  Take a flashlight with
          you if it is dark. 

    They might be even stranger than you think..   Do NOT enter a stranger's house. 

    sitting in the core of a nuclear reactor works too but NOT a good idea...  Wear light colored clothing, reflectors,
          or something that will glow in the dark
          at night.  Glow-Sticks are useful...

    flames are a really neat costume but they also BURN... ashes to ashes -   Make sure your costume is made 
          of flame-resistant material. Be aware 
          of the dangers of lighted candles as 
          a cause of house and costume fires.

    hey - you can still be creative...   Wear a costume that won't get tangled
          around your feet and legs.  Long capes,
          dresses and robes can cause falls, 
          especially on steps...

    try not to like that makeup TOO much... Ever hear of Boy George, Alice Cooper - Marilyn Manson - KISS - hmmmm?  Avoid wearing a mask, which can 
          make it hard for you to see. Instead,
          decorate your face with makeup or
          face paints. 

    the weather office is never wrong eh...?  Dress according to the weather
           of the evening. 

    beware that some trusted adults might rip off your best candy though...  Have a parent or another trustworthy 
          adult check your treats before 
          you eat them. 

    a gazillion pieces is too much - a few billion is more moderate eh...?  Eat treats in moderation it's
           no fun to get sick...

    this doesn't mean to put the fireworks under the adults... ouch!  If fireworks are legal in your area - 
           remember to use only under 
           adult supervision...

    even if they are hiding out pretending not to be be home...  Do not destroy another
           person's property. 

    Santa Claus is coming in a couple of months and he will know...  Do not take things that have
           been given to other children. 

    but MOST important... remember to say Trick-Or-Treat!  Remember "please" and "thank you"! 

    *These tips have been compiled
    from several sources.
    I have taken them freely in the hope
    that the advice is good to pass out
    from whatever the source.

guess hoot?
the real Hooters...
Be Wise...

Did you know that WICCA means wise?

For safer sex... always use a condom...

     PARTY for "ADULTS"...

    have a designated driver,
    use public transportation or 
    encourage guests to remain 
    overnight where that is possible... 

Alcohol IS a drug...
If you use drugs, (ANY of them...)
then observe the same cautions 
as above...
like you're likely to follow this advice eh...?
Costume advice for kids (above)
applies to adults as well...
flamethrowers are not recommended for do-it-yourselfers...
Be VERY careful when using candles
and other open flames...
United Labratories
Consider using UL approved
electric light sources or GLOW-STICKS
instead of candles 
to illuminate Jack-O-Lanterns
and other decorations...
Foggy mountain mental breakdown...
Use DRY ICE in well ventilated areas.
Do NOT handle with bare hands... 
If used in drinks, then provide straws 
to prevent dry ice 
from coming into contact 
with lips, mouth or throat...
Use Uncle Fester approved Halloween fireworks...
Use fireworks with caution
- follow instructions 
and recommendations...
Mother's goblins appreciate your Safe driving...
Drive VERY carefully... 
Remember that there are many
mother's goblins out trick or treating 
and not all of them have read
or decided to follow the "rules"
Enjoy Many more fun filled All Hallows Eves...
I saw what you did in those shadows...

Doctor paranoid eh...?
practice your first aid and turn a friend into a mummy at the same time...
if you drink too much you may pray at the porcelan altar... want to make an offering...?Canada is one of the safest countries in the world...Don't accept dinner invitations from a canabal...
TNT is NOT a safe firecracker...
take 2 pumpkin seeds and call me in the morning...

[email protected]

Graphic images 
copyright © 1998-1999-2000 Mike Skellenger

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