Dracula is a very misunderstood kinda guy...
Dr. Frankenstein was a medical pioneer...
The Frankenstein monster is forming a self help group... wanna join?
The Bride of Frankenstein refused to sign a prenuptial agreement...
The Wolfman is protesting the dog licensing by-law...
Dr. Jekyle and Mr. Hyde have joined a MPD group...
The Monster from the Black Lagoon wants to chat with the Captain of the Exxon Valdez...
The M.A.D.D. Scientist wants to remind you... If you Drink - Don't Drive!
Godzilla now works for urban renewal...
The Hunchback wants a gig with Mike Oldfield...
The Mummy is enjoying the current fascination with wrap music...
King Kong is opening a bungee jumping franchise on the Empire State Building...
The Invisible Man is demanding to be noticed...
The Blob has hired a personal trainer to get back into shape...
Freddy Kruger has opened a manicure shop...
Jason keeps bugging me to check out his websites...
Hannibal Lector is marketing a brand of free range meat products...
The Abominable Dr. Phibes is taking music lessons from Rick Wakeman...
Boris Karlof is turning over in his grave...



North VancouverBritish Columbia
Patch math = pumpkin pi
Welcome to Cyber Canada's best pumpkin patch on the world wide web...
View:The Addams Family Movies 
- Are those cookies
made with real girl scouts?
The pumpkin patch is one of the best places in the world...

hey cabbage heads! we love ya anyways...
hiding under here?
Pumpkin patch kids 
are better than
those "others"

 Our patch is located 
in Carvers Corners, 

Graphic images 
copyright © 1998-1999-2000 Mike Skellenger
Have you ever patched your genes?
This is a Halloween MAPLE leaf for those of you who are leaf identification challenged...

eye of newtsun dried salamander eggstoe bone of a mermaidReeses Piecestooth of a dragontoe jam of a big foot
balls of moth
powdered bats wing
hair of the dog
snip of Bobbit
stain of a President
rabbit raisins
In what spell would you use these arcane ingredients?
sweat of Zsa Zsa
spirits of cactus
chicken soup broth
condensed O.J.s conscience
essence of nightshade
yada yada yada
powdered viagraleft foot of Bugs Bunnyhair of a bald manlips of a chickenwind of a flatulent cowbust of baywatch

A Jack-O-Lantern
of all trades...
and a Master of Nuns.

Toasted pumpkin seeds 
make a great treat!

Where did Peter 
keep his wife?

Who does Linus wait
for each Halloween?
What was Cinderella's
coach made from?
Name one of today's
hottest musical groups 
named for our
favorite vegetable?

Yes, that is a trident - some would call it a pitchfork...

E-mail welcomed at::

[email protected]

Pumpkins were grown 
by First CyberNations peoples
long before the first 
CyberEuropeans came to 

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws