Guest Graphic





Welcome to my web... eh?






 TThe graphics on these pages are mine, but...
sometimes I find one like the red spider above
that is so damned good that I want to feature it in
our pumpkin patch.
I hope it feels at home in the web I have provided.
 by Kevin Greggain.

 If anyone knows who created this
magnificent, malignant arachnid
please let me know so that I can credit that fiend here...


Thank you for signing my Dead and Bloodfest Inn guestbook!
 I was just starting to look at your
webpage when I got the email offering me your award.  Cool! 

While I was looking around some more, 
I found that you needed the swinging spider identified. 
That came from an old site
called Night Gallery and the creator is Kevin Greggain.
I wasn't a hundred percent sure of his name 
so I typed it into a search
engine, and here's the url I found: 
Oh, you're welcome in advance. 
You may repay me with gifts of bloodwyne! V^^^V 

I plan on adding a link to your great site asap, probably tomorrow. 
Must go back and look around some more now, as this email
has interrupted my browsing! 

Thank you again. 

Sanguinely yours, 

Countess Sigula 

Many Thanks to Countess Sigula 
The bloodwyne is fermenting in the dungeon
and awaits your noctural visitation.

For those of you who feel adventurous
(or perhaps you are civic minded and inclined to give blood...)
visit the Countess at

Graphic images 
copyright © 1998-1999-2000 Mike Skellenger
Guest graphic by ????
Remember, Charlie... Witches don't just want
spiders with good taste...
They want spiders that taste good!

[email protected]

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