Become a candidate too at Fire Stone Weyr

You stop abruptly at the curse and turn in the direction it was coming from. "Excuse me?"

The owner of the voice doesn't hear you.

"Shards shards shards! The Headwoman is
not going to be pleased with me."

You idly wonder what that was about, and turn away to walk to the sand to view the eggs. You are stopped by a huge crash followed closely by a ear-piercing shriek. You rush back to find a young woman dusting herself off next to a broken tray. Various items are strewn about, mushy food that is unidentifiable, dirty tubers.... you take it all in, and then ask the woman if she was alright. She seemed startled, and then angry that you had witnessed her accident.

"Yes, I'm fine," she says shortly. "Thankyou." she adds, almost as an afterthought.

"That was a hard fall you took.... are you sure? Should I call a healer?"

fine thankyou." she starts collecting the fallen food, frowning slightly as she noted how dirty it was.

"Do you need some help cleaning this up?"

Her head snapped up, and she glares at you. "
No, I do not need your help. No, I do not need a healer and no I do not need anything else you might think to offer. I have everything under control. Please leave now."

She resumes her cleaning as you watch, bemused.

"Well then, I can take a hint." However, you stay there watching her. Brown curls framed a rather pretty face, which at the moment was flushed. Even stooped over, she was very tall and seemingly gawky, as if she didn't quite fit onto her frame.

You notice she is glaring at you again, dark brown eyes fierce. "I thought I told you to leave."

You shrug. "Well, yes, but I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight."


"Dinner. With me. Tonight."

"Why would I do that?"

"I am intrigued by you.... actually by all candidates...."

"You didn't answer my question - why would
I do that?"

"Well... to satisfy my curiousity."

"That's not my job."

"But it could be."

"But it won't be."

"Please...... what's your name?"

"Not that it's any of your business, I'm Atlea."

"Well met, Atlea. If you won't meet me for dinner, could I at least ask you a few questions?" you say pleadingly.

Atlea sighs and shrugs. "If it will get you off my back."

"What was it like being searched?"

"Where did you live before you were searched?"

"Do you have any hobbies?"

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