Apply for our Award!
So... you think your site is up to scratch, eh? Well, you can definetly find out by applying for our award. There's a sample below, but it ain't got any writing in it so it would be rather pointless to take it. The text that will appear if you do get the award is rainbow in colour, with your site name and everything ;).  A link will go up to your site on the Links page with a little HOT sign next to it *g*. If you want, you can also apply for other sites that are not yours, but please say so in the last box on the form. Happy applying!

Award Application

Your name:
Your email address: (e.g.: [email protected])

What is the name of your website?
The address or your site?
A short description of your site:
Can you receive attachments?
Do you have a ZIP program (eg. Winzip)?
Why do you want this award, and why do you think you deserve it? Stunning, fast, FREE!    
FREE feedback form powered by

This is a smaller version, but you can make it any size you want if you get it.
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