Yes, yes, I just lllooovveee flits. So here are some more that I impressed. I accidentely stumbled upon them at Karath Weyr.
Here are the two eggs as they arrived. I had no idea as to what colour they would hatch into
Lookie here! Aren't they just adorable?! The eggs hatched into my gold female Hydee and my blue male Yew! At the moment all they do is sleep and eat, and I have to bath and oil them regularly so their skin doesn't get dry and crack. That could be fatal if they decide to go between, but they are so young they haven't tried that yet!
Haven't they grown? They are flying all the time now, and starting to go between. I don't oil them much any more, but I still have to bath them! Hydee has started to boss poor Yew around - I think it's a gold flit thing to boss others around. Yew is very mischievous when Hydee is not around, but when she is he is the meekest little thing!
Look at Hydee and Yew now.... aren't they just beautiful? Hydee is so shiny, and Yew has become very handsome. I'm waiting for Hydee to have her first mating flight, and produce her clutch. It can't be far off. Yew has already fathered numerous green clutches - but I can only tell when he comes back looking very smug!
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