Yes, that is what I said. A shoe. Bet you can't find that anywhere else on the Net. Aren't you excited? No? Well, anyway...
There aren't many rules for adopting a shoe. And they are all basic. Still, it would be appreciated if you did read them.

1) You must place a link back to my site ( somewhere on your site. I don't care where.
2) This is the most important rule:
must give your shoe a name. I don't care if you name it Fred, but it HAS to have a name.
3) It would be appreciated if you
emailed me and told me that you adopted a shoe so I can put a link to your site.

That's bout it really. You can do anything you want with your shoe. I was actually thinking of doing a competition to see who could get their shoe doing the most original thing - but then someone emailed me saying their shoe was going to be a watch-shoe, and I decided nothing would be more original than that *g*.
You don't have to have a webpage to adopt a shoe either.
I do ask that you don't edit the shoe. If you want different colours to the ones here,
email me and I will arrange it. Now, take your pick...

This is your basic shoe. It's transparent so will go better on light backgrounds.
Right click and save as. Please upload to your own server, do not steal bandwidth.
A BLUE SHOE               A BLUE & RED SHOE               A GREEN SHOE
A PINK SHOE            A PURPLE & GREY SHOE              A RED SHOE
A YELLOW SHOE                                           

Note for AOL users:
AOL compresses graphics in a non-standard way, and this can affect the picture quality and transparency. It will most likely happen with these graphics. Turning off compressed graphics will not affect the performance much, as most graphics are compressed anyway. To turn compressed graphics off when using AOL 6.0:

Go into "Settings" which is on the toolbar.
In settings, click "WWW".
Click the "Graphics" tab.
Select "Never compress Graphics"
Click "Apply" and then "OK"
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