Hatchling | Weyrling | Rider
Become a candidate too at Dark Moon Weyr

You enter the candidate barracks at Dark Moon Weyr, where you find a lone girl sitting at her cot writing. You stand there, waiting for her to notice you. After a while you give a slight sigh and the girl, startled, turns around hastily.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were there. Were you looking for someone?" she stands up and packs up her writing geer. She doesn't wait for your answer, and babbles on.
"I'm Nya. I'm to stand here at Dark Moon soon as a candidate." Nya states quite proudly. "I was to be a harper. I'm of apprentice rank now. Maybe if I impress, I could become a Weyrharper." She bites her lip and looks at you."But I don't want to raise my hopes too much. Even if I don't impress, my life is in the Weyr now." Nya placed her writing equipment in the locker at the foot of the cot."But you probably don't want to hear my life story. Why are you here, anyway? Are you lost?"
You hastily assure her that you weren't lost, and you would love to hear her life story.
"You sure?" Nya chuckles,"It's a long one." You nod for her to continue.
"Well, my mother was a minor holders wife, and my father, as you could guess, a minor holder." She frowns slightly,"I can't really remember the name of the hold. They never wanted to talk about it.... but anyway, a couple of turns after I was born, a plague broke out in the hold, and everyone packed up and moved. We moved to Buwy Hold. Do you know it? No? Well, it's not far from the harper hall. I impressed my two firelizards there - my father brought them home as a surprise one evening after he traded many of his best runners for a clutch. I wasn't meant to impress two, only the little green Cress, but I impressed my mothers egg too, blue Komn. She wasn't very pleased.
"Then a while after that I was apprenticed to a Master Harper, Leeane, and she recommended me to the Hall. They took me in when I was 13. Then, two years later, a green dragon searched at the hall, and I was searched along with another apprentice and a journeyman. K'tal and green Pellith, the searchrider and dragon, were very kind to me. I was so frightened when I went between on Pellith - but K'tal just kept on reassuring me that he and Pellith were there, nothing could harm them. And when I arrived at the Weyr, he helped me go to the right places and everything.... if it hadn't been for K'tal I would have gotten so lost! He took me to Headwoman Idalia, who then gave me clothes and my cot assignment. That was about 2 weeks ago. I haven't had much spare time in the days since then. But the time I
do have is spent with the WeyrHarper, Jerralen. He is teaching me the important parts of harping that I have missed."
Nya grinned ruefully. "There, I've babbled for ages. I always do that." she smiled,"I guess you would want to go now. I have kept you long enough, and I think I have some chores to do..." Nya groaned. You reluctantly agree, though you had listened carefully to her story.
"Well good bye then. Maybe I'll see you later?"
You nod and smile, and walk out the door behind Nya.

Nya Impressed!

Nya and her blue firelizard Komn and green firelizard Cress.
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