Blyss's Review For:

Main Cast of Characters:

Rick Washburne....................Rob Greene

Dog Thomas....................Dog Thompson

Keith Bogart................Danny Greene

J. Christian Ingvordsen....................Bone Conn

Sandra Bullock..........Lisa Edwards


1987; Rated R; 90 minutes;Category: Suspense/Action

This is the first Bullock movie?

Danny Greene always thought he was a normal kid until he found out what his dad was really into? His dad is a former military man who has secret files within a government agency. That agency will do anything they can including going after his son and his son's girlfriend to get those files back from Rob Greene. The boy seeks out his dad's friend Dog Thomas for help after a mysterious message was made in his dorm room on the computer. Assassins are after the boy and they start killing off men who Greene was in the service with. When they cannot catch Danny, they catch his girlfriend Lisa to draw him in. His dad reunites with the team that is left, but will it be soon enough to save Danny and Lisa?

My description is a little more exciting than the movie actually was. It was very slow-moving. The sound in the movie was terrible. The words did not match the movements of the characters' mouths in the film. The coloring of the film was also terrible. It is very obvious to even the casual viewer of movies that this is a very low budget film.

I had no favorite moments in this film because it was very hard to follow because of the poor sound quality. It was also very hard to be interested in this. Another problem I had with this movie was that it was advertised at the store as a "Sandra Bullock" movie and she was not even in this movie except for maybe 20 minutes.

In addition to that, the plot is filled with holes. The viewer is never told why Danny Greene and his father are being pursued by this agency or what kind of records his father has over their head. Shouldn't the audience be told what is going on in order to continue interest in the movie?

Overall, this was a boring and totally uninteresting movie. I would not even let my pets watch this!

I rate this film: 1, double thumbs down!!




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