This battle takes place after Battle #17.  Read that first!

Battle #19: Mission Briefing
Player Name:
D'Ron Farfetch'd [2-2]

D'RON, PETE, and EXPLANATION have arrived in WAR ROOM!

Explanation, Pete, listen up.
Arr, how come yar gets ta be the leader of our group?
Because I've got ideas.  Do you have ideas?
Arr, I have to admit me don't.
Good, that's settled then.
No, it's not.  I want to be leader.  I'm the best fighter, after all.
Explanation, I thought we went over this already.  You can't be the leader, you're the psychotic loose-cannon of the group.
Arr, I outrank both a ya anyways!  I oughta be leader!
Shut up, Pete, we all know you were the captain of a leaky rowboat.
Listen, we're never going to get anything done if we can't agree on something!
I disagree!
Firebat said I was the only one who stands a hope of defeating his insane master, Fuego, whoever that is.  So I'm leader be default.
Okay, since you're such a great leader, tell us what to do.
We have to kill Firebat.
Brilliant!  And if he wasn't immortal, that plan might have a chance in hell of working.
Shut up, I know we can't just kill him outright, we need to remove whatever magic is keeping him immortal. We know he wasn't born that way, so it can't be impossible.
Arr, I didn't un'erstand a word a that.
Want me to explain it to you?
I suggest...hey!  Are you two paying attention?
Can we break for lunch?
No!  Everybody, shut up!
Now...I suggest we find someone that is very intelligent, very powerful, and has access to a time machine.  He should be able to figure out how to bag that pyro.
Arr, is it Dustin Hoffman?
Of course it's not Dustin Hoffman!
Darn, I always wanted ta meet Dustin Hoffman.  He was Hook, y'know.
Really.  I don't care.  Anyway, the guy I have in mind is Leonardo Da Vinci, recently turned into a Bile Demon.
Yeah?  Is that like a Pokemon?
Nah, I think it's from that game Dungeon Keeper 2.  Big ugly fat monsters.
Arr, it's a Snorlax, right?
I just said it wasn't a Pokemon.  Geez, i got to remember to buy some ritalin for the next missin briefing, you guys really need it.
Speaking of, my A.D.D. is kicking in strong right now.  Is this meeting about over?
Yeah, take 5 guys.  Rendezvous in Battle #21.
Arr, that reminds me, there wasn't no fightin' in this battle!
Who cares?  Let's get some lunch.
Lunch, yeah!  Let's go.
We're dead.


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