Lorne Greene              Richard Hatch
Battlestar Galactica ...
The story of a human race who faced with annilation fled their homeland in search of a planet called Earth. They believed that Earth was the original home of their ancestors.
Cast of  Characters...
Commaner Adama............Lorne Greene
Captain Apolla...................Richard Hatch
Lieutenant Starbuck...........Dirk Benedict
Lieutenant Boomer.............Herb Jefferson Jr.
Athena..............................Maren Jensen
Flight Sergeant Jolly...........Tony Swartz
Boxey................................Noah Hathaway
Colonel Tigh.......................Terry Carter
Cassiopeia..........................Laurette Spang
Count Baltar.......................John Colicos
Sheba................................Anne Lockhart
Serina................................Jane Seymour
Ensign Greenbean...............Ed Begley Jr.
Omega...............................David Greenan
Voice of Lucifer.................Jonathan Harris
Lieutenant Brie....................Janet Julian
Dr. Salik............................George Murdock
Rigel..................................Sarah Rush
Lucifer..............................Felix Silla
Cylons.............................a bunch of metal heads
                                        with a wild red eye!!

Even though there is an updated version of theis show, I still believe that the first Battlestar is the best! The Cylons of this version are much better "bad" guys than any on the newer show.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws