My son, Chris, told me that there was a new show on and he had a feeling I would really like it. Well, I tuned in and sure enough I not only liked it I fell in Love with it. I refused to answer the phone when Chicago Hope came on. I used to work in a hospital in the ER and O/P sections and Chicago Hope was so lifelike, but also with storylines that were believable.

Mandy Patinkin                                Adam Arkin                             Hector Elizondo
Dr. Jeffrey Geiger               Dr. Aaron Shutt            Dr. Phillip Waters

Dr. Jeffrey Geiger is the best Heart Surgeon in the world, he knows this and doesn't mind letting you know it. He is my favorite character. He is arrogant and a lttle nuts, but he is as good as he says he is !

Dr. Aaron Shutt is a Neurosurgeon who had a marriage gone bad, a gunshot to his hand, which caused him to change directions and go into Psychiatry, then his hand got better and he's back on top again.

Dr.Phillip Waters is the glue that keeps Chicago Hope together. He is the decision maker and takes a lot of flack from his staff, but in the end they know he is right.

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