Scientist Samuel  Beckett has developed a way to travel back into the past. He can only travel in the years of his life span, ie he can not go back any further than the day of his birth and he can't go past his own time into the future.  He is a Quantum Physicist who holds numerous degrees, to put it simply "the man is a genious!"  There is a problem with this time travel though, when he "leaps" into another time period, he also "leaps" into another person's body. His thoughts, feelings and mind are in the person he leaps into. When he looks at his reflection he sees their body.  Donald P. Bellisario has to be one of the most brilliant writers of all time. I fell in love the moment "Quantum Leap" aired and still watch the reruns every chance I get.
Dr. Beckett has a friend who helps him during these leaps, his name is Al.  Just like "Time Trax's "Selma, Al is a hologram that only Sam can see.  No that's not right, little childern, animals and adults with child like minds can see Al too. Al is really in the lab at the quantum excellerator. He gives Sam advice on
who he is, who the people around him are and a good probablility of why he is there at that moment of time. The whole premise of the story is that Sam leaps into someone who is in trouble of some kind and he is there to "fix" things.  After he fixes the problem he can leap again. Each time he leaps, he hopes it will be the leap home. Back into his own body and his own life. One of my favorite episodes was when Sam and Al exchanged places, by accident. Sam got to go home and see all the people who have been helping him and see his wife for the first time in ages. The problem is in order to save Al's life, Sam had to leap into Al in the past and thus starting the circle once again.
There were 97 episodes from 1989 until 1993. I have watched each one at least 2 or 3 times.  The story is fantastic and the acting out of this world.
Dr. Sam Beckett is played by Scott Bakula.
Rear Admiral Albert "Al" Calavicci is played by Dean Stockwell.  Both men give , in my opinion, OSCAR or is it EMMY performances.
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