Romper Room

I see...Mary, and Marty, and Myrtle and Mike and Melinda and Martha and Missy and Mandy and .......
I would watch Romper Room every morning and wait for Miss Mary Ann  to say "and I see Myra" but guess what?  Yep you guessed it, she never said "Myra" I wondered  what frequency her magic mirror was on because she could never see ME!  But I learned what a "Do Bee" and what a "Don't Bee"  were suppose to do and why. I learned that the "Do Bees" were the ones that people liked and the "Don't Bees" were the ones that people avoided. When I was small the children didn't go to Kindergarten unless their parents paid for it. I started school in the First Grade. So, in a way, Romper Room was my Kindergarten. I watched everything that went on and I think I am a better person today because of that show.

"Do Bees" were kind, used manners and helped people. "Don't Bees" were rude, caused trouble and didn't care if they hurt other people or not. In life we should all try to be "Do Bees".
Thank you, Miss Mary Ann!

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