Easter is not a time for Bunnies, chicks and baskets. It's meaning is much more.
As a Christain I celebrate Easter as the day that my Lord Jesus Christ rose from the grave. Death could not hold the only Son of God. I do not claim to understand everything in the Bible, but I do believe that Jesus is the Son of the true God, and that God made it possible for me to be forgiven of my sins through the death of his son, Jesus.

Salvation is so simple. Maybe that is why some people never accept it. First you have to believe in an Almighty God, that made this world , He is perfect. Man is by nature a sinful creature, so in order for us to be able to be with God when our earthly bodies have expired, He had to make a way. I do not understand why God allows somethings to happen, I do believe that everything happens for a purpose, and it will all be okay in the end. God sent his son, with a plan to redeem his sinful children. Jesus had to be crucified and die on the cross, in order that He could rise from death and show the people that He and only He is the Son of God. If we believe this in our hearts and minds, then we are saved from eternal damation and separation from God.
All we have to do is believe.

I hope this Easter you and your family can look at the bigger picture and come to know Jesus as your personal savior.
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