
Barbara Eden  played Jeannie a delightful character  who was a Genie. Born in Baghdad, Irag, on April 1, 64 BC She was placed in a bottle by the Blue Djin after refusing to marry him. She was then taken to a deserted Island for a life of loneliness . Until that faithful day.

Imagine you are an astronaut, unmarried, living in Florida and your life is going just fine. One day you come across a really pretty bottle laying on the beach.  After picking the bottle up you get the shock of your life...out pops a Genie. A beautiful blonde woman who is willing to give you anything you desire.  Sounds good huh?  Well, that is what happen  to Tony (played by Larry Hagman). Now here is where it gets crazy...Tony doesn't want a Genie, he doesn't want anything she has to offer. WHAT is wrong with this picture???  Just like on Bewitched with Darrin, the man on this program is totally clueless!

That is the problem with these fantasy programs, any NORMAL person would take full advantage of what the Genie offerred.  Tony's friend and collegue, Roger, knew a good thing when he saw it and on several occasions took advantage of it.

This program was wonderful and I never get tired of seeing the reruns.


Jeannie................................................Barbara Eden
Captain Anthony Nelson......................Larry Hagman
Captain Roger Healey.........................Bill Daily
Dr. Alfred Bellows................................Hayden Rorke
Amanda Bellows..................................Emmaline Henry
General Martin Peterson.....................Barton MacLane
General Winfield Schaffer...................Vinton Hayworth
Hadji....................................................Abraham Sofaer
Habib..................................................Ted Cassidy
The Blue Djin.......................................Michael Ansara

*At one time Barbara Eden was married to Michael Ansara. Kinda ironic that the reason Jeannie was put in a bottle was because she refused to marry the Blue Djin and in real life she was married to the man who played the Blue Djin!

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