

Kyle stands about 1.4 meters (4'6") tall and weighs nearly 60 kilograms (134 lbs). Most of the time he seems to waddle when he walks. Unlike most dwarfs, most of Kyle's head is bald directly on top. He tries to make up for it by growing the rest of his black hair longer and he has a generous beard that's occasionally knotted into dredlocks at uneven intervals. The ends of his mustache are carefully covered with a pair of clamps. From the clamps dangle a few small objects that vary in size, but tend to cling together when he walks. For the most part he has rough features and a harsh appearance, but he is actually he is much more friendly than his appearance suggests.

Kyle finds his life occupied with mechanical wonders. He's happy to spend an entire day working with machines or reading technical manuals. In fact, he has to have a pair of reading glasses to read the small print in some of the manuals. A little secret that he tries to keep, though he plans on getting corrective surgery sometime in the future. Anyone who asks him about the workings of some vehicle or start a technical conversation with him will find that Kyle is full of knowledge. He even seems to get poetic when it comes to describing what it's like to drive certain vehicles.

He can be arrogant at times. He doesn't believe in kidding around or making a fool of himself. Past experience with prejudice has made him intolerant of people who criticize him because he is a dwarf. Most insults about his metatype make him upset and, sometimes, angry to the point of seeking out revenge. He is also somewhat sensitive of his background and dislikes organizations like the one he worked with.

Kyle was born to Sarah Le Branche and Lristo Akialoa in New Orleans in 2022. He was one of the first UGE to be born into either of his parent's families. His name was a mix of both his father's and his mother's because, when he was born, neither of them were married. However, they both wanted the young Sean to know something about his parents and their heritage. This made much of his early life difficult seeing that his mother was a local of New Orleans and was Cajun by descent while his father was from Hawai'i and was Polynesian.
Sean still spent the first half of his life in New Orleans with his mother while his father made occasional visits, normally once or twice a month. Sean didn't mind because his mother's side of the family was large. He had more contact with his uncles and aunts than he did with his own father. In fact it was his Uncle Parrish that got him interested in vehicles and mechanics.

On March 15, 2040 his life changed. His mother was accidently killed when the Mafia planted a bomb in a restaurant. Kyle was heartbroken. His father heard about the incident and offered for Kyle to come to Hawai'i and live with him. Kyle accepted, thinking that he was his father and he didn't want him to die without getting to know him better.
So on September 20, 2040 Kyle arrived in Hawai'i. His father lived in a small town several kilometers outside of Honolulu. Kyle found it easy to fit in since most of his neighbors were metahuman. He eventually went to a local trade school with several friends and earned himself an education. This is how he met the mechanic, Kala Seward whom moved to Seattle after graduating from the trade school.

It wasn't until 4042 that Kyle found out what his father did for a living. Besides working for a corporation called Multitech, he was an active member in an organization called "ALOHA." ALOHA was more a group of terrorists than anything else. They worked along lines resembling the resistance fighters of Ireland in the previous century. Their goal was to have a free Polynesian state and rid the country of outside influences. Their goals were fine in theory, but in reality the means they used to reach them were harsh. Kyle's father eventually brought him into the organization. His skill with vehicles earned him a place of respect in the organization. ALOHA would later equip Kyle with a vehicle control rig and other cyberware, making him a capable rigger who could operate the organizations machines. Overtime Kyle began to believe in ALOHA's causes and felt that he was doing to right thing. It wasn't until 2048 that he changed his mind. He was ordered to drive a car into a marketplace and leave it for someone else to pickup. It was later when he found out that the car he drove had a car bomb that went off killing fourteen people, including a six year-old girl.

This event soured his respect for ALOHA. He viewed them for what they were, terrorists. He quietly left the organization. For a time he worked in the shadows of Honolulu, offering his services as a rigger. However, he couldn't stay in the country for long. ALOHA was still around and he didn't want to anger them because his father still worked for them. On August 4 2048 he sold everything he owned and caught a sub-orbital flight to Seattle. Once in Seattle he took a job as a driver for DocWagon, working with the CRT teams. He figured that he had spent so many years ruining lives that he should try to save a few. It was during this time that he came into contact with a paramedic by the name of Edward Green. It was also during his time with DocWagon that he got his nickname, "Riggs" when his CRT commander asked one of the other members of his team what "That little halfer with the bald head does?" At which the reply was a shurg and "I dunno, he just riggs stuff." Kyle's DocWagon career sped on for a few profitable years. However he still had to deal with the constant hassling he got from being a dwarf. However his career was soon to come to an end.

Kyle received word that ALOHA was looking for him. What they wanted, he had no idea. Still, the Kyle had no urge to rejoin the terrorist band. He was frantic to find a way out of his past when fate knocked on his door. One night his response team received a call. While on the way to the emergency, a troll go-gang called "The Spikes" intercepted the CRT team. Possibly hoping to capture the team's equipment intact. However a rocket fired from one of the trolls tore Kyle's Citymaster in half. Fire broiled most of the team members alive, but Kyle managed to crawl out and hide in the sewers. Later DocWagon and Lone Star units arrived at the scene to clean up what was left of the CRT team. They didn't find Kyle's body among the dead and he was no where to be seen. Lone Star assume that the trolls had taken his body away, so Kyle was pronounced dead on January 5, 2058.
Kyle could not help, but smile at his good fortune. With the world believe he was dead, ALOHA wouldn't come looking for him. Still he lost his job, but it was a fair trade. He had been given a clean slate to start a new life. Only thing different was that this time he had money from his DocWagon experience, and from selling all of his gear in Hawai'i before he left. Kyle turned to the shadows to make his living. Knowing that he can never go to the shiny spotlight of the corporate towers again for fear of being discovered that he is still alive by ALOHA.

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