New Forms of Online Converters and Calculators

Joseph Nowarski
New Forms of Online Converters and Calculators

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software design professional book (27 pages)

Classic Internet online unit converter is designed to input one single value to receive one converted value. Conversion of more then one unit, like feet and inches to centimeters, requires frequent switching between converters, annoying, time consuming process which may lead to errors.
This work describes new formats of online units' converters and dedicated calculators, to significantly improve the conversion or calculation efficiency, receiving more useful and more handy information in less effort.
The improvements of new forms of online converters and calculators include:
� ComboBox
� Changing both units without �submit� button
� Few sets of data
� All relevant units together
� Feet plus inch in the same converter
� Default values in online complex calculators
� Comparing values between sets of data
� Auto-fill of input fields
� Automatic fill with specific pattern
� Correcting not reasonable inputs
� Automatic input of recommended value
� Automatic determination of input limits
� Automatic input of recommended value
� Using calculators for optimization

software, Internet, online, calculator, converter, simulation, optimization


1. "miles per gallon"/"liter per 100 km" online converter - Joseph Nowarski

2. Celsius / Fahrenheit online converter - Joseph Nowarski

3. US Gallon, Dry Gallon, Quarts, Pints, Ounces, cubic inch to Liters online converter - Joseph Nowarski

4. feet+inch to centimeters online converter - Joseph Nowarski

5. pound+ounce to gram online converter - Joseph Nowarski

6. selection of room air conditioner (AC) - Joseph Nowarski

7. Loan and Mortgage online calculator - Joseph Nowarski

8. Hydro-Electric Energy Online Calculator - Joseph Nowarski

Publication Documentation Page

ISBN: 9781370412778

on Google Books:

Open Library: OL26207738M

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created 4 Feb 2017       updated 22 Aug 2020