
Arcane Defense   

You have spent a great deal of time and study to learn the secrets of a particular school
of magic to better understand what forces can be used to oppose it. This knowledge is not wasted when confronted
with opponents who are foolish to try to harm you with spells that you know so intimately.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Spell focus in the chosen school
Specifics: Character gains a +2 bonus to saving throws versus the chosen school of magic.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: Great for added and unexpected protection against opponents. Can be a deadly surprise for your enemies when all of there efforts are wasted.


Your background included training in the finer things of life whether by an instructor or by simply
paying attention to those of privilege at play. You have a natural eye and ear for harmony not only
 among the notes but among your surroundings as well.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Can only take this feat at 1st-level
Specifics: Character gains a +2 bonus on Perform and Spot checks
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: Bards are the natural choice to aid in their performance but also to help keep her one step ahead of enemies.

Blind Fighting    

Your rigorous combat training has extended beyond using merely visual clues to gauge
your opponent’s movement. This feat grants the character the ability to fight well, even
if blinded or against invisible opponents. The character gets to re-roll her
miss chance percentile one time for a second chance to hit when a miss is rolled due to darkness.
In addition, invisible creatures do not get a bonus to hit a character with this feat.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: None
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: Blind fighting might be a useful feat to have if you spend a great deal of time in the shadows anyway or wish to pursue the Monk ideal.


Your background was filled with deceit and treachery everywhere you turned.
Whether on the rough city alleys and scum covered sewers or the posh palace grounds
there were always those who would seek to take what was yours. Your reflexes are quicker
than most and your eye never misses the movement of an attack. Some call you unnatural
in your awareness of your surroundings.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Can only take this feat at 1st-level
Specifics: Character gains a +2 bonus on Initiative and a +2 bonus on Spot checks.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: Useful for making sure you get the first strike in combat which can decide a battle immediately.


Ever since you can remember you possess great resolve on any matter of
 importance and your stubbornness and determination is legendary.
You are exceptionally headstrong and difficult to sway from your intended course.
The character gains a +2 bonus on resisting Taunts and a +1 bonus on Will saving throws.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Can only take this feat at 1st-level.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: The fighter can always use a little extra help against those who would distract him from his work.

Circle Kick   

Your master never allowed you to rest when perfecting your balance- even when attacking.
Not a moment passes that you are not ready to strike again in the blink of eye…
or even before you last attack is finished.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: attack bonus +3, Dex 15+, Improved Unarmed Strike
Specifics: If the character succeeds in hitting an opponent with an unarmed attack, they get an additional free attack against another, nearby enemy. There is a maximum of one free attack per round.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: An extra attack is never a frivolous thing to possess…

Courteous Magocracy    

Through privilege or tenacity you have learned far more than others
 of your station in the delicate histories and magical ramblings of the old wizards.
 You have gained special insight in the mystical and mundane worlds that all scholars would envy.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Can only take this feat at 1st-level
Specifics: Character gains a +2 bonus on Lore checks and Spellcraft checks.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: That special item you have just recovered at the bottom of this miserable dungeon might come in handy against those marauding hordes... if you only knew what it was.

Dirty Fighting    

Either through a rough upbringing battling larger or more numerous opponents
 or simply delight in trouncing those who would dare attack you, you have discovered
 painful tricks and unexpected maneuvers to bring you opponents to a swifter end.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2
Specifics: The character knows brutal and effective fighting tactics. By sacrificing all other attacks during the round, the character can elect to perform a dirty fighting move that will deal an extra 1d4 points of damage. This mode cannot be used with power attack.
Use: Combat Mode
Player Notes: An extra 1D4 of damage may not seem like much but keep in mind that it is the equivalent of +2 to +8 Str for free. A very good resource for those who prefer Dex over Str when fighting.

Divine Might   

You have found that inspiration takes many forms when honoring your gods.
Some use it for casting a spell over a captive audience of parishioners.
 Other use this inspiration to create works of art undreamt. You have a more practical
use for such forces in this dangerous world.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Turn Undead, Cha 13+, Str 13+, Power Attack
Specifics: The character may spend one of his turn undead attempts to add his Charisma bonus to all weapon damage for a number of rounds equal to the Charisma bonus.
Use: Selected
Player Notes: A very effective way a paladin can make use of his natural charisma in battle.

Divine Shield 

The light of your god shines through you and protects you.
Even the foulest of creatures will flinch from your shining face as you wage war against
 the swarms in the shadows providing extra protection from foes than is possessed by non-believers.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Turn Undead, Cha 13+, Str 13+, Power Attack
Specifics: The character may spend one of his turn undead attempts to add his Charisma bonus to his armor class for a number of rounds equal to the Charisma bonus.
Use: Selected
Player Notes: This feat combined with heavy armor makes could be the recipe for a impervious cleric.


Through painful experience and relentless training you have discovered that a good defense
can be the best offence. You have begun to see the patterns of your opponents movements
and predict their attacks rather than seek opportunities to strike.
Staying alive always makes for better stories later.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Int 13+
Required for: Improved Expertise
Specifics: A character with this feat can make defensive attacks, gaining a +5 bonus to AC but receiving a -5 penalty to attack rolls.
Use: Combat Mode
Player Notes: A very handy feat for staying alive long enough in a desperate situation to receive aid from companions or a handy potion.

Extra Music    

Through practice, patience and refinement of technique you can create your special
brand of music more often. The character may use bard song four extra times per day.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Bard Song
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: No matter how much trouble the fighters get your party into by taunting the local critters you can be sure to support them when they are then fighting for their lives. This will give you plenty of opportunity to laugh at them later when they are collecting some of their more important body parts off the ground.

Extra Stunning Attacks    

Your master always spoke of a life is never without hope and there can be no
redemption, no renewed hope from death. He taught you that it is better not to
 kill but to incapacitate when your hand is forced.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2, Stunning Fist
Specifics: The character gains 3 extra stunning attacks per day.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: At lower levels the ability to quickly stun opponents may buy you a way out of danger.

Great Cleave    

You have been trained to take advantage of the weakness of less experienced
opponents in showing a moment's hesitation at the demise of their comrades.
You use this moment to deadly effect to shut their gaping maws forever.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Str 13+, Power Attack, Cleave, base attack bonus +4 or higher
Specifics: As cleave, except that there is no limit to the number of additional attacks that the character may make after killing one opponent.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: At the higher level a crowd of lesser opponents has the effect of delaying a skilled fighter from engaging the real opponents which may have adverse effects on your fellow party members.

Greater Spell Focus   

There is something familiar about a particular school of magic; something that
calls out to you. You have explored this strange attraction and found you have
 a natural affinity for a certain type of magic…to the woe of your opponents.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Spell Focus
Specifics: A character becomes even more adept with spells of a particular school of magic. The character gains a +4 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells of the chosen school.
Use: Automatic. This feat may be selected multiple times, but the effects do not stack. It applies to a different school of magic in each case.
Player Notes: A great feat for player who wish to focus on a certain group pf spells for their character or because they have a theme they are following.

Greater Spell Penetration   

Certain uncanny defenses have come under your scrutiny to such a degree
that they seem almost childish when you focus your great mind to their destruction.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Spell Penetration
Specifics: A +4 bonus on caster level checks is granted to the character, when trying to beat a creature's spell resistance.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: In addition to serving to help spell-caster's use their spells more effectively this feat can work very well together with a ranger's favored enemy ability.

Improved Expertise   

You have faced enemies that ran thick with numbers so often you have
 learned that you cannot strike your hated enemy down if you bleed from grievous
wounds and stumble when you step. Your whirling weapon permits no
 trespass when you set your mind to the task.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: : Int 13+, Expertise
Specifics: A character with this feat can make defensive attacks, gaining a +10 bonus to AC but receiving a -10 penalty to attack rolls.
Use: Combat Mode
Player Notes: If it is up to you to delay the hordes while your party escapes then this feat may save your life. Very handy as well when the cleric is attending to those less fortunates in your party cursed with lackluster constitutions and delicate frames and you are left to deal with the ever-insistent advancing monsters.

Improved Initiative    

You have developed uncanny speed in reacting to perceived threats.
This feat grants the character a +4 bonus to initiative checks.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: None
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: The first strike may also be the last strike needed.

Lingering Song    

Even the memory of your powerful music can sustain the weariest and most battle worn
of companions. The effects of the bard's songs will last an additional 5 rounds.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Bard Song
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: Like the ringing in your ears after a concert for band like "BiLe SqeeZers" the effects of your bard's music will be felt even as you're cleaning the chunks of evil off your sword.

Luck of Heros    

You are meant for great things. You hail from an area that has seen more
 than its fair share of heroes. Through pluck, determination and resilience your people
survive when no one expects you to come through. A character gains a +1 bonus on all saving throws.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Can only take this feat at 1st-level.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: An excellent step up for an adventurer who must face a variety of dangers alone.

Rapid Reload     

Through constant practice and nimble fingers your moves are automatic and swift
when reloading your crossbow. The character is able to reload so quickly that
 he gets the same number of attacks with any crossbow as he would if he was use a normal bow.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus of +2
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: The crossbow is a favored ranged weapon for those who wish to do more damage but somewhat clumsy in the hands of the unskilled. A crossbow expert can now match their swifter bow-using companions to devastating effect.

Resist Disease   

Your body is known for casting off even the worst of maladies which would
 lay low the hardiest of warriors. Harsh weather, harsh living and a stubbornness
of ignoring all afflictions have created in you a near-impervious immune system.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: None
Specifics: Character gains a +4 bonus on Fortitude saving throws to resist the effects of disease.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: If you live a somewhat less than pious life of a paladin this could be a nice way to augment your resistances.

Resist Poison    

Something decidedly reptilian flows through your veins. As a result of an
exotic birth or years of consuming small doses of poison your system welcomes
even the deadliest of concoctions that would fell lesser creatures.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: None
Specifics: Character gains a +4 bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: Those who use poison should be amongst the most resistant.

Resistant to Energy   

This feat is available in the following forms: Acid, Cold, Fire, Sonic, Electrical.

You have always had an affiliation for certain natural forces in the world; fire,
lightning, the crashing of thunder... they seemed to present less danger
 to you than to other who shrink from their chaotic power. You have learned to
 harness your natural inclinations into a resistance beyond most people.
 Friends come in many forms.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Base Fort save bonus +8
Specifics: Character gains +5 resistance against the chosen type of energy (first 5 points of damage of this type of energy is ignored).
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: Knowing what adventures lie ahead can go a long way toward preparing you to deal with the hazards that may be present there.

Silver Palm   

You grew up in close proximity to some of the shrewdest merchants, hagglers and
shopkeepers in the land and have taken careful note of their skills.
A character gains a +2 bonus on Appraise and Persuade checks.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Can only take this feat at 1st-level.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: Very useful for the new adventurer looking for a good deal on the costly equipment of his risky trade or the character who feels most at home in the sprawling markets of the city or in a bustling merchant caravans.

Snake Blood    

There is something decidedly…reptilian in your manner. The taint of the yuan-ti runs in your veins.
 No outward signs give away your heritage but you are something more-or less- than entirely human.
A character gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws
against poison and a +1 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Can only take this feat at 1st-level.
Use: Automatic
Player Notes: The enormous amount of creatures that have poison as a special attack make this feat particularly valuable for anyone who travels the woods. The Rogue might also find some small use for the resistance to poison plus quicker reflexes…

Spring Attack   

You have become so versed in close quarters combat that you can
move through the chaos of war without allowing your opponents to strike.
 Moving during combat does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
This feat cannot be used with heavy armor.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Base attack bonus of +4 or higher
Use: Automatic


You have developed an unconscious way of threading through your world
that marks you as not only careful but wise as well. The unseen always live to tell the tale.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: None
Specifics: Character gains a +2 bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.
Use: Automatic

Strong Soul     

There is something hard in your eyes that is unmistakable to even the most
 casual of observer. Something that dares the world to try and break.
You have been born with a special kind of armor than few possess.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Can only take this feat at 1st-level
Specifics: Character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude and Will saving throws, as well as a +1 bonus to any saving throw versus Death magic.
Use: Automatic


Growing up on the unforgiving streets you had to prove your mettle
in a variety of circumstances that could turn deadly in a heartbeat.
Your reflexes and sharp tongue saved you on more than one occasion.
Character gains a +2 bonus on Initiative checks and a +2 bonus on Persuade

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Can only take this feat at 1st-level.
Use: Automatic

Zen Archery     

Calling on your acute awareness of the world around you can better direct
your ranged attacks. This allows the character to use her Wisdom
 modifier instead of Dexterity when firing ranged weapons.

Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +3, Wisdom 13 or higher
Use: Automatic

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