Deities and Demigods of the
Forgotten Realms

We are pretty sure that this is all of them, We hope this helps for Roleplaying

Name Portfolio Sex Align NWN Domains
Bane Strife, hatred, tyranny, fear M LE
Destruction, Evil
Chauntea Agriculture, farmers, gardeners, summer F NG Good, Animal, Earth, Plant, Protection 
Cyric Murder, lies, intrigue, deception, illusion M CE Evil, Destruction, Trickery
Kelemvor Death, the dead M LN Death,  Protection, Travel
Lathander Spring, dawn, birth, youth, vitality, athletics M NG Good,  Protection,  Strength, Sun
Mystra Magic, spells, the Weave F NG/LN Good,  Knowledge, Magic
Oghma Knowledge, invention, inspiration, bards M N Knowledge,  Travel, Trickery
Shar Dark, night, loss, forgetfulness, Secrets, Caverns, Underdark F NE Evil, Knowledge
Shar vs. Selune
Silvanus Wild Nature, Druids M N Animal, Plant, Protection,  Water
Sune Beauty, Love, Passion F CG Good,  Protection
Talos Storms, Destruction, Conflagrations, Earthquakes, Vortices M CE Evil, Destruction, Fire
Tempus War, Battle, Warriors M CN Protection, Strength, War
Tyr Justice M LG Good, Knowledge,  War
Akadi Elemental air, movement, speed, flying creatures F N Air,  Travel, Trickery
Grumbar Elemental earth, solidity, changelessness, oaths M N Earth, Strength, Protection
Istishia Elemental water, purification, wetness M N Water, Destruction, Travel
Kossuth Elemental fire, purification through fire M N/LN Fire, Destruction
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Beshaba Random mischief, Misfortune, Bad Luck, Accidents F CE Evil, Trickery
Gond Artifice, Craft, Construction, Smithwork M N Earth, Fire, Knowledge
Helm Guardians, Protectors, Protection M LN Protection, Strength
Ilmater Endurance, Suffering, Martyrdom, Perseverance M LG Good, Healing, Strength
Mielikki Forest, Forest Creatures, Rangers, Dryads, Autumn F NG Good, Animal, Plant, Travel
Selûne Moon, Stars, Navigation, Wanderers, Seekers, Good Lycanthropes F CG Good,  Protection, Travel
Shar vs. Selune
Tymora Good Fortune, Skill, Victory, Adventurers, Adventuring F CG Good,  Protection, Travel
Umberlee Oceans, Currents, Waves, Sea Winds F CE Evil, Destruction, Water
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains NWN
Auril Cold, Winter F NE Air, Evil,  Water
Azuth Wizards, Mages, Spellcasters in general M LN Magic, Knowledge, 
Deneir Glyphs, Images, Literature, Literacy, Cartography, Scribes, Art M NG Good, Knowledge, Protection
Eldath Peace, Quiet, Stillness, Pools, Springs, Waterfalls F NG Good, Plant, Protection, Water
Lliira Joy, Happiness, Dance, Festivals, Freedom F CG Good, Travel
Loviatar Pain, Suffering, Torture F LE Evil,  Strength
Malar Hunters, Marauding Beasts, Blood, Bloodlust, Evil Lycanthropes M CE Evil, Animal,  Strength
Mask Thievery, Shadows M NE Evil, Trickery
Milil Bards, Poetry, Song M NG Good,  Knowledge
Shaundakul Travel, Exploration, Miners, Caravans, Wind Ghosts M CN Air,  Protection,  Travel
Talona Disease, Poison F CE Evil, Destruction
Tiamat Evil dragons, Evil Reptiles, Chessenta F LE Evil, Destruction
Torm Duty, Loyalty, Obedience, Paladins M LG Good, Healing, Protection, Strength
Uthgar Uthgardt barbarian tribes, physical strength M CN Animal,  Strength, War
Waukeen Trade, Money, Wealth F N Knowledge, Protection, Travel
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Finder Wyvernspur Bards, Saurials, Cycle of Life, Transformation of Art M CN Healing, Knowledge, Travel
Garagos War, Plunder M CN War, Destruction, Strength
Gargauth Betrayal, Political corruption M LE Evil, Trickery
Gwaeron Windstrom Rangers, Tracking M NG Good, Plant, Animal, Travel, Knowledge
Hoar Revenge, Retribution, Poetic justice M LN Travel, War, Protection
Jergal Fatalism, Proper burial M LN Death, Sun, Protection
Lurue Unicorns, Pegasi, Intelligent and talking beasts F CG Good, Animal, Healing
Nobanion Lions,Wemics, Feline beasts, Royalty M LG Good, Animal 
Red Knight Strategy, Planning, Tactics F LN War, Knowledge, Travel
Savras Divination, Fate, Truth M LN Knowledge, Magic
Sharess (Bast) Hedonism, Sensual fulfilment, Festhalls, Cats F CG Good, Travel,  Trickery
Shiallia Woodland fertility, Glades, Woodlands of the North F NG Good, Animal, Plant
Siamorphe Nobles, Royalty F LN Knowledge, Protection, Sun
Ulutiu (Slumbering) Glaciers, Polar environment, Arctic dwellers M LN Animal,  Protection, Strength
Valkur Sailors, Ships M CG Good, Air,  Protection
Velsharoon Necromancy, Liches, Undeath M NE Evil, Death, Magic
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Moradin (G) Dwarf, Creation, Smithing, Protection, Metalcraft, Stonework M LG Earth, Good, Protection
Abbathor (I) Greed M NE Evil, Trickery
Berronar Truesilver (I) Safety, Truth, Home, Healing F LG Good, Healing, Protection
Clangeddin SilverBeard (I) Battle, War, Bravery M LG Good,  Strength, War
Dumathoin (I) Shield Dwarves, Buried wealth, Ores, Gems, Mining M N Earth, Knowledge,  Protection
Laduguer (duergar) Magic weapon creation, Artisans, Magic, Gray Dwarves M LE Evil, Magic, Protection
Sharindlar (I) Healing, Mercy, Romantic love, Fertility, Dancing, Courtship, The Moon F CG Good, Healing
Vergadain (I) Wealth, Luck, Trickery, Negotiation M N Trickery, Knowledge
Dugmaren Brightmantle (L) Scholarship, Invention, Discovery M CG Good, Kowledge
Gorm Gulthyn (L) Guardians, Protection, Vigilance M LG Good, Protection, War
Marthammor Duin (L) Guides, Explorers, Travelers M NG Good,  Protection, Travel
Thard Harr (L) Wild Dwarves, Jungle survival, Hunting M CG Good,  Plant, Animal
Deep Duerra (duergar) (D) Psionist, Conquest, Expansion M LE Evil, War
Haela Brightaxe (D) Battle, Adventurers, Luck F CG Good, War
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Corellon Larethian (G) Arts, Crafts, Music, War M CG Good,  Magic, Protection, War
Angharradh (G) Fertility, Birth, Wisdom F CG Good,  Knowledge, Plant, Protection, 
Aerdrie Faenya (I) Air, Weather, Avians F CG Good,  Air, Animal, 
Deep Sashelas (I) Sea Elves, Oceans M CG Good,  Knowledge,  Water
Erevan Ilesere (I) Mischief, Change, Rogues M CN Trickery, Travel
Hanali Celanil (I) Love, Beauty, Art F CG Good, Magic, Protection
Labelas Enoreth (I) Time, Longevity M CG Good,  Knowledge
Rillifane Rallathil (I) Wood Elves, Woodlands, Nature M CG Good,  Plant, Protection
Sehanine Moonbow (I) Mysticism, Dreams, Death, Journeys, The Moon F CG Good,  Knowledge,  Travel
Solonor Thelandira (I) Archery, Hunting, Wilderness survival M CG Good,  War, Plant
Fenmarel Mestarine (L) Wild Elves, Outcasts, Isolation M CN Travel, Plant, Animal
Shevarash (D) Vengeance, Loss, Hatred of drow M CN War, Destruction, Travel
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Garl Glittergold (G) Protection, Humor, Trickery, Gemcutting, Smithing M LG Good, Protection, Trickery
Baervan Wildwanderer (I) Forests, Travel, Nature M NG Good,  Animal, Plant, Travel
Calladuran Smoothhands (I) Stone, Underdark, Mining M N Earth, Protection, Strength
Flandal Steelskin (I) Mining, Physical fitness, Metalworking, Smithing M NG Good, Earth, Fire
Nebulun (I) (= Gond) Inventions, Goodluck M NG Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Magic
Segojan Earthcaller (I) Earth, Nature, The Dead M NG Good, Earth
Urdlen (I) Greed, Bloodlust, Hatred - CE Evil,  Earth
Baravar Cloakshadow (L) Illusions, Deception, Traps M NG Good, Protection, Trickery
Gaerdal Ironhand (L) Vigilance, Protection, Combat M LG Good,  War, Protection
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Yondalla (G) Protection, Fertility F LG Good, Protection
Arvoreen (I) Protection, Vigilance, War M LG Good,  Protection, War
Cyrrollalee (I) Trust, Friendship, Home F LG Good, Protection, Healing
Sheela Peryroyl (I) Nature, Agriculture, Beauty, Love F N Air,  Plant, Animal
Brandobaris (L) Stealth, Adventuring, Thievery M N Travel, Trickery
Urogalan (D) Death, Earth M LN Protection, Earth, Death
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Eilistraee Song, beauty, dance, swordwork, hunting, moonlight F CG Good, Travel, Protection
Ghaunadaur Oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, ropers, rebels
Evil, Destruction, War
Kiaransalee Undead, vengeance
Evil, Death
Lloth Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Drow, Evil, Spider, Trickery F CE Destruction, Evil, Trickery
Selvetarm Drow warriors
M CE Evil, War
Vhaeraun Thievery, drow males, evil activity on the surface M CE Evil, Travel, Trickery
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Bahgtru Loyalty, stupidity, brute strength M CE Evil, Strength
Gruumsh Orcs, conquest, survival, strength, territory
M CE Evil, Strength, War
Ilneval War, combat, overwhelming numbers, strategy M NE Destruction, War
Luthic Caves, orc females, home, wisdom, fertility, healing, servitude F NE Earth, Evil, Healing
Shargaas Night, thieves, stealth, darkness, Underdark M CE Evil, Trickery
Yurtrus Death, disease M NE Death, Destruction, Evil
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Horus-Re (G) Sun, Rulership, Life M LG Good, Sun
Isis (I) Weather, Agriculture, Marriage, Good magic F NG Good, Water, Magic
Nephthys (I) Wealth, Trade, Protection of children and the dead F CG Good, Protection
Osiris (I) Vegetation, Death, Justice, The Harvest M LG Good, Death, Plant
Set (I) Desert, Destruction, Snakes, Evil magic, Betrayal M LE Evil, Air, Magic
Thoth (I) Neutral magic, Scribes, Knowledge M N Knowledge, Magic
Anhur (L) War, Strategic planning, Physical prowess, Storms M CG Good, Strength,  War
Geb (L) Earth, Miners M N Earth, Protection
Hathor (L) Motherhood, Folk music, The Moon, Fate F NG Good, Healing, Sun
Sebek (D) Werecrocodiles, River hazards, Wetlands M NE Evil, Animal,  Water
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Hakiyah The Winds, Truth, Discernment, Divination, Honesty. F Any Air, Travel
Name Portfolio Sex Align Domains
Ubtao (G) Jungles, Dinosaurs M N Heavy Pick

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