The History of the Realms

Hail and well met, ye curious students. Come ye seeking secrets and wonders?

I am Elminster, no more and no less. For more than a score of your years, I have parted the curtains betwixt my world of Faerûn and yours, and ye know it as the Forgotten Realms. Through contact with many chroniclers, I ensured the tapestry of wonders that is my home would spread out before ye.

For those who have not seen Faerûn in its glory, I wish to share the excitement of your first glimpses of its wonders. I have outlived many civilizations, and what keeps me young is the awe and tingle of discovering new things with new friends. Shall I tell ye about Cormyr, the majestic Forest Kingdom whose noble kings and loyal mages have ruled wisely for 12 centuries? Are ye more interested in hearing tales of Jhauraq the Paragon Blade, the Seven Imaskarcana, or the immensely powerful Grand Staff of Halaster the Mad? Would ye perhaps care to hear tales of Khelben the Blackstaff or the Daredevil Duchess, Vajra Valmeyjar of Tethyr?

Aye, ye'll learn all that and more. Sit a spell and let me share my world with ye. . . .

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed words unwritten—and set them down ere they fade... Learn then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they will lead you to the greatest of all: understanding." —Alaundo of Candlekeep

Time in the Realms:
     A year in the Realms consists of 365 days: 12 months of exactly 30 days each (due to the single moon and its followers), plus five days that fall between months. These days are special occasions. Leap year is retained purely for social convenience, and provides a sixth special day that is used as the basis for long-term agreements and such contracts and activities.
     Months are subdivided into three ten-day periods. These are known variously as eves, tendays, weeks, domen, hyrar, or rides throughout the Forgotten Realms. While rides is the standard term used in Cormyr and the Dalelands, this text uses weeks to avoid confusion.
     Although the months that comprise a year are standardized, the system of dating years varies from place to place. Usually, years are numbered from an event of great political or religious significance. Each nation or region has cultures with unique histories, and thus, different reckonings. The system of naming the months is named for its inventor, the long-dead wizard Harptos of Kaalinth, and is in use throughout the North.

The Calendar of Harptos:
     The Calendar of Harptos is summarized in the table below. Each month's name is followed by a colloquial description of that month, plus the roughly corresponding month of the Gregorian calendar in parentheses. Special days are listed when they occur between months, and appear in italic type. Each special day is described in the Special Calendar Days section, below.

Order Name Colloqul Dscription Gregorian Month
1 Hammer Deepwinter (January)
2 Alturiak Claws of the Cold (February)
3 Ches Claws of the Sunsets (March)
4 Tarsakh Claws of the Storms (April)
5 Mirtul The Melting (May)
6 Kythorn The Time of Flowers (June)
7 Flamerule Summertide (July)
8 Eleasias Highsun (August)
9 Eleint The Fading (September)
10 Marpenoth Leafall (October)
11 Uktar The Rotting (November)
    The Feast of the Moon  
12 Nightal The Drawing Down (December)

Special Calendar Days:
   Midwinter: Midwinter is known officially in Cormyr as the High Festival of Winter. It is a feast where, traditionally, the local lords of the land plan the year ahead, make and renew alliances, and send gifts of goodwill. To the commonfolk throughout the Realms, this is Deadwinter Day, the midpoint of the worst of the cold.

   Greengrass: Greengrass is the official beginning of spring, a day of relaxation. Flowers that have been carefully grown in the inner rooms of the keeps and temples during the winter are blessed and cast out upon the snow to bring rich growth in the season ahead.

   Midsummer: Midsummer, called Midsummer Night or the Long Night, is a time of feasting and music and love. In a ceremony performed in some lands, unwed maidens are set free in the woods and "hunted" by their would-be suitors throughout the night. Betrothals are traditionally made upon this night. It is very rare indeed for the weather to be bad during this night—such is considered a very bad omen, usually thought to foretell famine or plague.

   Higharvestide: Higharvestide heralds the coming of fall and the harvest. It is a feast that often continues the length of the harvest so that food is always on hand for those comin in from the fields. There is much traveling about on the heels of the feast, as merchants, court emissaries, and pilgrims make speed before the worst of the mud arrives and the rain freezes in the snow.

   The Feast of the Moon: This festival, also called moonfest, is the last great festival of the year. It marks the arrival of winter and is also the day when the dead are honored. Graves are blessed, the Ritual of Remembrance is performed, and tales of the doings of those now gone are told far into the night. Much is said of heroes and treasure and lost cities underground.
   Wars, by the way, are often but not always fought after the harvest is done, continuing as late as the weather permits. The bulk of the fighting takes place in the month of Uktar, and the ironic practicality of the Feast of the Moon is readily apparent.

   Shieldmeet: Once every four years, another day is added to the year in the manner of February 29 in the Gregorian calendar. This day is part of no month and follows Midsummer Night. It is known as Shieldmeet. It is a day of open council between nobles and people, a day for the making and renewing of pacts, oaths, and agreements. It is a day for tournaments, test and trials for those wishing to advance in battle fame or clerical standing, for entertainment of all types, particuarly theatrical, and for dueling.

Marking the Years:
   Years (winters) are referred to by names, each name consistent across the Realms. Each kingdom or city-state numbers years differently, usually to measure the reign of a dynasty or the current monarch, or since the founding of the country. The result is a hodgepodge of overlapping numbers that serve to confuse the ordinary person and frustrate the sage. The widespread differing year dates include the following:
   Dalereckoning (DR): Dalereckoning is taken from the year that humans were first permitted by the Elven Court to settle in the more open regions of the forests. In some texts, primarily those which do not have direct ties to Dales history, Dalereckoning is called Freeman's Reckoning (FR). All dates in this chronology use Dalereckoning as its standard.
   Cormyr Reckoning (CR): Cormyr Reckoning begins at the foundation of House Obarskyr, the dynasty that still rules that land. The 25-year gap between Cormyr Reckoning and Dalereckoning has caused much of the confusion regarding elder days. Timelines and calendars of the period often use DR designators, blut place the founding of Cormyr at 1 DR instead of 26 DR. This is understandable, given that the two reckonings are from two nearby parties and spread by a third (the merchants of Sembia), but it causes learned sages to slam their heads violently against their desks trying to figure things out.

   Northreckoning (NR): Used in the City of Waterdeep, Northreckoning dates from the year Ahghairon became the first Lord of Waterdeep. A more archaic system called Waterdeep Years (WY) dates from the supposed first use of Waterdeep as a trading post. This reckoning is now largely abandoned except in ancient texts.

   Mulhorand Calendar (MC): One of the oldest calendars in use in the Realms, this ancient scheme of record-keeping dates from the founding of Skuld, the City of Shadows, reputedly by a Mulhorandi god.

   Present Reckoning (PR): In an attempt to get a handle on the various number systems in use, a new type of reckoning has been implemented with the approval of such worthies as Khelben Arunsun of Waterdeep and Vangerdahast of Cormyr and carried abroad by the Harpers. All year-dates trace back to the Time of Troubles as Year 0.

The Roll of Years:
   The wide variety of competing and often conflicting calendars causes no end of pain to the historian and the sage. Most use as their recording device the Roll of Years, a system by which each year has its own personal name.
   Names for the years are known collectively as the Roll of Years, as they are drawn from the predictions written down under that title by the famous Lost Sage, Augathra the Mad, with a few additions by the great seer Alaundo.
   The Roll of Years stretches from -700 DR through 1600 DR

Survivors of the Kingdom of Tintageer summon the power of elvish High Magic and escape from Faerie to Toril. Their new home, a large forested continent, they call Faerûn, the One Land.
The Spirit of Wa gives the Sacred Wand and the Moonlight Arrow, sacred emblems of the imperial office, to Emperor Kochi, allowing him to establish the claim to the entirety of Wa. The Celestial Bureaucracy re-evaluates Wa and establishes new administrative offices, among them the Animal Affairs Sub-Committee of Qui.
 Emperor Kochi dies, and the War of the Spirits begins with the spirit folk dividing into two factions. In the end, the unity of Wa is destroyed, and the island is divided between violently feuding clans.
Emperor Kasada regains the Moonlight Arrow from the Spirit of Yakamashi Mountain and claims control of Wa. He refuses to name the era after himself for fear of evil omens. 
 The first dwarven settlements appear in the great mountain range known as the Yehimal, which lies at the juncture of the three great continents of Faerûn, Kara-Tur, and Zakhara. From there, the earliest dwarves migrated into all three lands.
 -25000 DR
Draconic legends first speak of Ironfang Keep, a stronghold built on the cliffs of the White River, overlooking the Dragons' Sea (Present Day: Moonsea).

 -24000 DR
 The Sundering:  Hundreds of High Magi gathered in the heartland of Faerûn at the Gathering Place. Ignoring the lesson learned from the destruction of Tintageer centuries earlier, the High Magi cast a spell designed to create a glorious elven homeland. As the Day of Birthing dawned, the spell reached its apex. Faerûn, the one land, is sundered apart by the unbridled force of the spell. As a result, hundred of cities are washed away, thousands of elves lie dead, and the face of Abeir-Toril is changed forever. The name Faerûn, no longer the one land, was given to largest continent. Evermeet, Island of Elves, is created. The Tree of Souls is given to the elves.

-23900 DR
 The forest community of Sharlarion, survived the Sundering nearly complete. These fortunate elves increased their number and spread into the surrounding forest, hills, and lowlands. Soon the elvish kingdom of Aryvandaar (Present Day: High Forest) was established.

-23600 DR
Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Shantel Othreier. (Present Day: Green Fields) 
-23200  DR
 Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Ilythiir. (Present Day: Shaar & Forest of Amtar)
-23100 DR
 Establishment of the first evlish settlements of Syòrpiir. (Present Day: Ankhwood and Chondalwood)
-22900 DR
 Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Illefarn. (Present Day: Ardeep & Kryptgarden Forests and parts of Dessarin valley)
-22500 DR
 Establishment of the elvish settlements of Orishaar. (Present Day: Duskwood & the Shaar)
-21400 DR
 Establishment of the elvish settlements of Thearnytaar. (Present Day: Thornwood)
-21000 DR
Establishment of the elvish settlements of Eiellûr. (Present Day: Winterwood)
 -20000 DR
Evidence from carvings in some sea caves suggests that the merfolk, locathah, and sahuagin exist in Serôs and have battled each other since that time. 
 -20000 DR
 Orishaar and the southern dark elf nation of Ilythiir begin skirmishes that continue on and off for the next seven millennia.
-20000 DR
 By this time, the elven realms of Eiellûr, Orishaar, Syòrpiir, and Thearnytaar are established in the forests around the Lake of Steam. To the south lies long-established Illythiir and to the north and west are Aryvandaar and Illefarn. 
-18800 DR
 Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Miyeritar (Present Day: High Moor, Misty Forest), by green and dark elves due to political differences with the gold elves of Aryvandaar.
-17800 DR
 Establishment of the great elvish settlements of Keltormir (Present Day: Forest of Tethyr which spanned all of Tethyr, Amn, Erlkazar, and Calimshan) by moon and green elves, seeking peace and simple lives away from the strife of the other elven realms.
-17500 DR
 The independent sylvan elf realms of Thearnytaar, Eiellûr, and Syòrpiir open discussions of unifying the elves of the Satyrwwod. (Present Day: Thornwood-Chondalwood)
-17100 DR to -16800 DR
War of Three Leaves:  The unification of the Satyrwood is thwarted by dark elven Ilythiiri spies and assassins, killing their leaders and framing opposing heirs, driving the three realms to a multifront war. Ilythiir's influence is not discovered for centuries.
c. -17000 DR
 Elves emigrate from Eillûr, Syorpiir, and Thearnytar to the Inner Sea for the next seven millennia.
-16900 DR
 Numerous elves abandon the surface realms of Eiellûr and Syorpiir (present day Chondalwood and the Land of the Lions) during the War of Three Leaves to settle in the Selmal Basin. This begins the elven migrations, which continue for seven millennia.
-16800 DR
 Thearnytaar, Eiellûr, and Syòrpiir remain separate realms after peace is restored, though each of the three continues skirmishes among themselves and with Ilythiir for centuries. 
-15300 DR
 The elvish Vyshaan clan rises to power in Aryvandaar under Coronal Ivósaar Vyshann.
-14700 DR
 Aryvandaar's rulers begin attempts to diplomatically and peacefully annex Miyeritar into their realm and under their control.
-14000 DR
 Tribal barbarian clans of humans roam Keltormir.
-13900 DR
Miyeritar becomes the center of elven Art and High Magic on Faerûn. 
-13200 DR
Skirmishing and trade interference starts between Aryvandaar and Miyeritar.
c. -12000 DR
From the great migration, one isolated branch of dwarves settle amid the isolated peaks of the Novularond, eventually becoming known as the arctic dwarves.
c. -12000 DR
The first great kingdom of the dwarves of Faerûn is centered in the great cavern of Bhaerynden, deep beneath the Shaar.
-12000 DR
 The Crown Wars of the elves begin.
-12000 DR
 Rise of the Vyshaantar Empire:  After centuries of fruitless diplomacy, the impatient, grasping rulers of Aryvandaar attack Miyeritar and begins putting political pressure on Shantel Othreier to join them or suffer the same fate. 
-11800 DR
 Miyeritar militarily occupied and annexed by Aryvandaar, though a number of clans and strongholds resist and continue to fight. Many elves of Illefarn, despite its officially-neutral stance, provide secret safehavens for Miyeritari refugees. 
-11700 DR
 Tethir, the first elven dragonslayer, slays Xaxathart the Retributer. Human clans settle in the clearings and meadows created by the dragon fires around Keltormir.
-11700 DR
Dragons set the southern expanse of Shantel Othreier aflame, separating the soon-to-be-called Wyrmwood from its greater body. Tethir, kin of Keltormir (soon to be called "the Dragonslayer"), single-handedly slays two ancient red wyrms of the Ridge and saves many elves of his own Keltormir and Shantel Othreier. Tethir's stand earned the elves the respect of the dragons, who had previously dismissed them as ignorant, two-footed cattle.
-11700 DR
The Second Crown War flares up in answer to the aggressions of Aryvandaar. Ilythiir rises up and viciously strikes out at any who support the gold elves of the north. Its nearest neighbor of Orishaar, as a major trade partner with Aryvandaar, falls swiftly in a brutal surprise attack.
-11600 DR
The Ilythiiri destroy Syòrpiir by fire, separating them from their allied neighbors and burning their homes to the ground.
-11500 DR
Thearnytaar and Eiellûr band together and declare war on Ilythiir, decrying their use of fire and wanton destruction far more than the power plays of the northern elves. They fight a holding action, preventing the Ilythiiri from advancing north.
-11450 DR
 The Sable Wars:  Thearnytaar and Eiellûr, with minimal allies from Keltormir and Shantel Othreier, invade Ilythiir, intent on destroying or reforming the dark elves before more realms fall. More than half their forces are decimated by the corrupt magics of the dark elves.
-11400 DR
The start of the Crown Wars (and the Sable Wars and the fall of Eiellur) sees a sudden influx of elves entering the Inner Sea, forcing the elves out into the sea and away from the coastal waters. This ignites the first major conflicts with merfolk and sahuagin.
-11400 DR
Fall of Eiellûr as the Ilythiiri once again use fire to destroy their realm around them and isolate them from aid. They also were helped by traitor green elves, who thought their appeasement actions could help restore peace.
-11300 DR
End of the First Crown War: Miyeritar conquered by Aryvandaar.
-11200 DR
The Elven ralms of Eiellûr, Orishaar, Syòrpiir, and Thearnytaar fall to the Ilythiir. The Ilythiiri skirmish with the elves of Keltormir. 
-11200 DR
With another major migration to the sea after the fall of Thearnytar, the sea elves expand militarily beyond the Selmal Basin and establish the kingdoms and regions of Coranthys, Tor Meraliir, Ullythan Reef, and Ryeniir.
-11200 DR
Thearnytaar falls to the savage and now-unrepentant dark elves, who use enslaved monsters and and undead to occupy the thorn-and-bramble choked woods. Ilythiir now directly skirmishes with the major realm of Keltormir along its eastern and southern expanses. 
-11003 DR
 Rise of the Aryselmalyr Empire:  Coryselmal, the grandest of the sea elf cities of Selmalyr (an elven kingdom of the Selmal Basin), becomes the capital of the Aryselmalyr Empire over all the elf kingdoms in the Inner Sea. 
-11003 DR
The Aryselmalyr calendar marks Year 1.
  -11000 DR
 Dwarves establish the first holds of Deep Shanatar in the southern Underdark (Present Day: Almraiven Mountains, Lake of Steam).
 -11000 DR
h The illithid enclave Oryndoll is settled by refugees from Glyth, a Realmspace planet.
 -11000 DR
Taark Shanat the Crusader, and his eight sons, lead a great exodus of dwarves out of Bhaerynden to a new kingdom in the west. These emigrants eventually become known as shield dwarves and establish the great empire of Shanatar beneat the lands of Amn, Tethyr, Calimshan, and the Lake of Steam.
-10900 DR
The Third Crown War erupts as accords finally fail between Shantel Othreier and Aryvandaar.
 -10800 DR
 The Cloaker Wars:  The followers of Shanat come under attack by the mysterious inhabitants of Rringlor Noroth, who rose from the depths of a great chasm in a battle for control of the caverns of Alatorin. The Stout Folk eventually prevail, after Taark slew four blue dragons who claimed the Rift of Dhalnadar as their demesne.
 -10800 DR
 Rise of Shanatar:  The Wyrmskull Throne is formed, and Taark renames the wyrm's lair Brightaxe Hall and founds the kingdom of Alatorin. Shield dwarves mark the founding of Alatorin as the beginning of the First Great Age of Shanatar.

 -10800 DR
The Cloaker Wars:  The followers of Shanat come under attack by the mysterious inhabitants of Rringlor Noroth, who rose from the depths of a great chasm in a battle for control of the caverns of Alatorin. The Stout Folk eventually prevail, after Taark slew four blue dragons who claimed the Rift of Dhalnadar as their demesne.
-10800 DR
Rise of Shanatar:  The Wyrmskull Throne is formed, and Taark renames the wyrm's lair Brightaxe Hall and founds the kingdom of Alatorin. Shield dwarves mark the founding of Alatorin as the beginning of the First Great Age of Shanatar.

-10700 DR
 Battle of the God's Theatre:  The Gods' Theater (Present Day: The Tunlands) on eastern Shantal Othreier is the site of one of the largest and costliest of all the Crown Wars' battles. Nearly 70,000 elves died at the hands of elven and orcish enemies, as an orc horde 100,000 strong fell upon the already-embattled elves. Aryvandaar won the day, and occupied the northern half of Shantel Othreier.
-10600 DR
Shantel Othreier conquered by the Vyshaantar Empire of Aryvandaar after the mysterious death of Coronal Ynloeth. Guerilla fighting and rebel mages arise in parts of Miyeritar and the newly conquered territories.
 -10500 DR
The eight sons of Taark Shanat set off to found their own kingdoms in the caverns to the north (beneath modern-day Tethyr and Amn). Each son claimed one of the children of Moradin as his patron deity and so each of the subkingdoms they established became tightly linked with the church of that particular god or goddess.

-10500 DR
The Dark Disaster:  Miyeritar is engulphed in killing storms, which reduce this entire forest and realm into barren wastelands in three months. While no proof could ever be found, many believe the High Mages of Aryvandaar inflicted the Dark Disaster on Miyeritar.
-10500 DR
Shock over the Dark Disaster established an uneasy four decades of peace, as nearly every elf of Faerûn shrank back in awe and horror from what havoc the Crown Wars wrought.

 -10450 DR
The Fourth Crown War:  Ilythiir's seething counter-attack to avenge Miyeritar sees their open use of the corrupt powers of Ghaunadar and other dark, evil gods for the first time.
-10300 DR
The elves of Keltormir, opposed on both sides by the Vyshaan of Aryvandaar and the dark elven clan Hune of Ilythiir, strategically withdraw from eastern Keltormir, holding their lines at Highlands' Edge.
-10270 DR
The Stone and Claw Campaigns:  The withdrawal of Keltormir's forces to close and defend its own borders pitted the forces of Aryvandaar and Ilythiir against each other. They soon closed ranks and fought incessantly for two centuries. Battles raged across the giant-infested mountains and wemic-claimed plains north of Keltormir.
-10110 DR
In opposition to the corrupt dark elves of Ilythiir and their continued destruction of the forested elven homelands by fire (an elven enemy of long-standing), over 1,000 priests and High Mages in neutral Illefarn and other free areas spend decades in fervent prayer for salvation by Corellon Larethian and the Seldarine gods.
-10100 DR
Through enslaved dragons and other powers, the dark elves of Ilythiir engulf all of Shantal Othreier in flames, destroying over 70% of its trees over the course of 50 years.

-10000 DR
Descent of the Drow:  Corellon's magic, as directed through his priests and High Mages, transforms the dark elves, whether the corrupt Ilythiiri or others, into the drow. Whether by magic or by the weaknesses that banish them from the sunlit lans, all drow retreat within two month's passing into the Underdark.

-10000 DR
Elves are summoned by the Seldarine to the site that becomes Elven Court one month after the Descent of the Drow, to settle differences and restore peace among the elves.

-9900 DR
Aryvandaar's covert persecution of High Mages and priests begins, as they attempt to destroy or control any who might somehow force their descent as they did the drow. While not destroyed utterly, Illefarn & its colony in the Llewyrrwood is annexed by Arvynandaar as its nobility of priests and High Mages died under the persecution of the increasingly-crazed Coronal Giilvas Vyshaan. Many elves of both lands flee to the remnants of Shantel Othreier.
-9872 DR
Garrison towers built among the Sharksteeth Mountains, with the help of Vodos the Great Builder.
-9845 DR
Construction begins on the Sharksbane Wall (uniting the existing tower garisons) by clergy of Deep Sashelas, Trishina, and Eadro.
-9839 DR
Start of the First Serôs War:  The burgeoning empire of elves allies with the merfolk against sahuagin of eastern Serôs.
-9833 DR
End of the First Serôs War:  This war destroys the major sahuagin kingdom in "Sekolah's Trench" (the Trench of Lopok). Wars and skirmishes continue across centuries to slow or stop the building of the wall.

-9800 DR
Yuirwood settled by small numbers of green elves, Sy-Tel'Quessir, in the aftermath of the Elven Crown Wars. (Aglarond)  
-9800 DR
The Vyshantaar Empire's forces occupy all elven realms (save Keltormir) from the High Forest of Aryvandaar to the sweltering southern forests of ilythiir. They begin the colonization and settlement of Evermeet.
-9800 DR
A large force of Llewyrr elves escapes the oppressive mainland and resettle in isolation and safety among the mountains of the Moonshae Islands. Their new land becomes Synnoria, after the elfqueen who led the Llewyr to this island sanctuary.
 -9600 DR
Rise of the first drow civilizations in the Underdark beneath southern Faerûn. Their constant harassment of the Vyshantaar forces over the next five centuries help prevent their annexing Keltormir or any other lands.
 -9600 DR
Guallidurth, ancient city of the drow, is founded. Rise of the first drow civilization in the Underdark.
-9200 DR
The Fifth Crown War:  The First Proclamation of Elven Court leads to the revolt of the nobles of Aryvandaar and the last Crown War begins. The Elven Court, the Seldarine priesthoods, and the long-hidden High Mages restore pockets of resistance and freedom across the entire Vyshantaar Empire, fragmenting the armies and nobles to limit their coordination.
 -9000 DR
Skirmishes break out between the eight northern realms of Shanatar as each fight to extend their borders at the expense of their neighbors. Over time, the skirmishes evolve into open warfare, pitting thousands of dwarves against one another.
 -9000 DR
The drow empire of Telantiwar invades and rules supreme in the dwarf-carved halls of fallen Bhaerynden.

 -9000 DR
One of the largest groups of dwarves to flee the fall of Bhaerynden, abandon their subterranean homes and make their way overland to the Chultan peninsula before splintering into small tribal groups. Members of this isolated branch eventually become known as wild dwarves.

 -9000 DR
The drow empire of Telantiwar invades and rules supreme in the dwarf-carved halls of fallen Bhaerynden. 
-9000 DR
Crown Wars end. High Forest is abandoned so the gods might restore its peace. The Wandering Years of elven colonization begins. Many elves migrate to the Elven Court in its eastern forest. Illefarn and Keltormir are the sole realms to emerge intact from the Crown Wars.

-9000 DR
The end of the Crown Wars brings the last of the great elven migrations into the Inner Sea.
-9000 DR
The Fifth Crown War ends with the utter defeat of the Vyshaan and the dissolution of Aryvandaar. Much of the High Forest is abandoned for an age, leaving the forest open so the gods might restore its peace.
-9000 DR
The Wandering Years of elven colonization begin. Many elves begin migrating back to Elven Court in its eastern forest. Illefarn and Keltormir are the sole remaining civilizations to emerge intact from the Crown Wars.
-9000 DR
 Drow overwhelm the dwarves of Bhaerynden and take their fift-city for their own.
-8938 DR
 The 135-mile-long Sharksbane Wall is completed.
-8830 DR
The five Tunnels of Iratis are completed by the end of this year.
-8800 DR
 One tale, "Inferno," tells of a great drought lasting two summers. After an attack by a flight of red dragons on the center of the great elven forest of Keltormir, the dragon fire sparked a forest fire that raged out of control. This fire extinguished four entire clans of elves, eleven giant settlements, at least four green dragons, and thousands of miles of woodlands. The once-unified elves of Keltormir splintered into a number of separate clans.
-8600 DR
Evereska founded in secret by surviving clans of Eiellûr, Miyeritar, and Orishaar as an elven haven in the woods east of Aryvandaar.
-8600 DR
 Evereska founded in secret by surviving clans of the former Shantel Othreier, Miyeritar, Orishaar, and Eiellûr as an elven safehaven in the woods east of Aryvandaar. 
-8500 DR
 Keltormir's Fall:  Due to fire-sundered and otherwise ravaged homelands, Keltormir dissolves into three separate forests: The Wyrmwood, Darthiir Wood (Present Day: Forest of Mir), and the Forest of Tethir.
-8400 DR
 End of the First Rysar of Rystall Wood. Year of Founding for Jhyrennstar. The Coronal is crowned and the First Rysar starts.
-8400 DR
Founding of Siluvanede in the northwestern reaches of the High Forest.


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