folkrockrevivalsampler.jpg (59447 bytes)
Produced by:  Jerry Burgan
Engineer: Terry Rangno

Band Members

Jerry Burgan Guitar, Vocals
Debbie Burgan Vocals, Percussion
Terry Rangno Bass, Vocals
Ray Scantlin Piano, Vocals
Chris Burgan Guitar, Vocals

Other musicians

Steve Kidda  Drums
Dennis Wood* Drums
Glenn Nishida* Guitar

Track Order:

You Were On My Mind (Fricker / ASCAP)
Cast Your Fate To The Wind (Guaraldi & Werber / BMI)
Let's Get Together (Powers / BMI)
60’s Medley: Mr Tamborine Man 1 All I Really Want To Do 1
    It Ain't Me Babe 1 Silver Threads And Golden Needles 2
    Different Drum 3 Turn, Turn, Turn 4 The Boxer 5 California
    Dreamin'6 Mr Tamborine Man Reprise (1Dylan / SESAC)(2Reynolds & Rhodes
    / BMI)(3Nesmith / BMI)(4Traditional - Arranged Seeger / BMI)(5Simon / BMI)(6Phillips / ASCAP)

Train Medley: Rock Island Line 7 Wabash Cannonball 8 This Train
    (Is Bound For Glory) 9 The MTA 10 (7Leadbelly / ASCAP / BMI)(8Carter / ASCAP / BMI)
    (9Broonzy / ASCAP / BMI)(10Hawes & Steiner / BMI)
Beatles Medley: I'll Follow The Sun, Rain, Good Day Sunshine,
    Penny Lane, Good Day Sunshine Reprise (Lennon & McCartney / ASCAP)
I Can Never Go Home Again (Stewart / BMI)

Liner Notes:

THE SAN FRANCISCO SOUND. Before flower power, the Grateful Dead and the Jefferson Airplane, it meant harmonic vocals, a melding of acoustic and electric guitars, folk music, rock, and a bit of jazz. In the mid-60’s, it was called folk rock, and it described the music of WE FIVE. Formed in 1964 by Mike Stewart and Jerry Burgan in San Francisco, California, they released five albums, appeared on dozens of network and local television shows, and performed concerts at thousands of college campuses, civic arenas and nightclubs across America and Canada. The band continues to perform today, bringing the sound to the 60's to life every time they step onto the stage.

* There will be more info to come on the history of the player listed *

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