Matthias Barth's Homepage





European Defintions

Important Item

Not So Important Item

Unimportant Item



Some time ago I heard a definition of paradise that seemed really cool. But that was some time ago. Now I think that this definition is way too cheesy to be included in my homepage. If I get a great idea about paradise I might write it down at this location. Well, I guess we just have to wait and see what's going to happen.


Some time ago I heard a definition of reality that seemed really cool. But that was some time ago. Now I think that this definition is way too cheesy to be included in my homepage. If I get a great idea about reality I might write it down at this location. Well, I guess we just have to wait and see what's going to happen.


Some time ago I heard a definition of hell that seemed really cool. But that was some time ago. Now I think that this definition is way too cheesy to be included in my homepage. If I get a great idea about hell I might write it down at this location. Well, I guess we just have to wait and see what's going to happen.

To be honest, I'm running out of ideas for this page. Why does this web page template include so many columns?

This web page template sucks! I mean, what am I supposed to write here?

This web page template sucks! I mean, what am I supposed to write here?

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