Complete script to the Circlevision 360 movie "America the Beautiful" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [live cast member introduction: (12-20-82)] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Circlevision 360 Theater. The one million men and women of the Bell System hope you enjoy your visit with us today at Disneyland. To help insure that you do have a safe and enjoyable visit, we ask that you not sit on the floor, or on the lean rails. The lean rails will not safely support your weight or that of your children. And no smoking or refreshments, please. We now present Walt Disney's magnificent look at our country. Our nine screens will completely surround you with many of the wonders of these United States. As we proudly present "America the Beautiful." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [music: "America the Beautiful"] ["America, the beautiful! O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain. For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain. America, America, God shed his grace on thee. And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea. Ah-ah, ah..."] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "America the Beautiful." Through the magic of Circlevision, you'll see it now as perhaps you've never seen it before: in the round. As we take you on a magic carpet journey across the continent, we shall attempt to capture the American scene, in all its panoramic variety. First stop: fabled Manhattan, city of dreams, and our gateway to adventure. Standing before us: a monument to man's highest aspirations: the United Nations Building. Its towering form matches well this exciting metropolitan style. This building is a busy place, crowded every day of the year, for it attracts visitors from all over the world. *** [music: "Song of the Fishes"] This, too, is America: Rockport, Massachusetts, where a rousing chanty reminds us that its fisherman have followed the sea for generations. ["Come all ye young sailors and listen to me, I'll sing you a song of the fish of the sea. Then blow ye winds westerly, westerly blow. We're prowed to the southward, so steady she goes."] *** Rustic America in Vermont, where the old covered bridge is still to be found. If you'll listen closely, in imagination, you may hear the hoofbeats of the countless horses that have passed this way. *** A peaceful village green and a little country church, symbol of a God-fearing people who carved a nation out of the wilderness. *** New Salem, Illinois. This typical village of the early 1800s has been recreated to remind us of our pioneer beginnings. Here it was that Abraham Lincoln spent his youth as storekeeper and postmaster. *** Mount Vernon, the stately home of George Washington, overlooking the broad Potomac. Our first president loved this site for its serenity and its magnificent vistas. *** Williamsburg, Virginia. The Duke of Gloucester Street, Williamsburg, its appearance the same now as it was in prerevolutionary times--except for the modern day visitors. *** Here in modern Philadelphia stands Independence Hall. In its chambers the Constitution was wrought and signed, and here was met the first government of the new nation so created. The same historic building from Independence Square, and framed in the doorway: the Liberty Bell, which rang out at the declaration of independence, echoing the words encircling its crown: "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, and unto all the inhabitants thereof." *** [music: "Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean"] Now to the city bearing Washington's name in the District of Columbia, and citizens of all ages and many callings gathered on the mall to observe a pageant out of history. [music: "Hail to the Chief"] In the shadow of the Washington Monument stands the White House, home of our present Chief Executive and symbol of the presidency. Now along famous Pennsylvania Avenue, and looming up ahead, the Capitol Building on Capitol Hill. This, too, is America, where the laws that govern our land are enacted. *** [music: "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"] In the peaceful countryside near Gettysburg, scene of the decisive battle of the Civil War, there stand in silent glory the monuments that honor the fallen. The Lincoln Memorial: a nation's heartfelt homage to the president who preserved the union. Abraham Lincoln, a man for the ages. A man who lives on in the hearts of free men everywhere. *** The splendor of Niagra Falls. Here, too, is part of the American setting: natural grandeur whetted with power to serve a growing nation. *** [music: "Semper Fidelis"] And this is America: Historic West Point, oldest of the service academies. Here, young men are trained for the tasks of tomorrow with the scholar's broad knowledge of yesterday and today. And, here at the Air Force Academy in Colorado, we find more of these young men of tomorrow, soon to be off in that wild blue yonder. *** [music: "Semper Fidelis"] At Annapolis, these midshipmen who will follow the sea, are trained in the same spirit of duty and sacrifice, and service to country. *** Chicago's Lakeshore Drive takes us swiftly along the shores of Lake Michigan. As a residential area, this section known as the Gold Coast is one of the city's finest. And now downtown, along Michigan Avenue, bridging the Chicago River. *** And now the southern climes. Connecting Florida with Key West and its superb fishing grounds, is this 100-mile long causeway over the Gulf of Mexico. *** Cape Canaveral: launching site for our astronauts. These towers are symbols of our nation's quest for new knowledge in outer space. *** Fabulous Miami Beach. Along this narrow strip of sand the luxury hotels number at last count: 362--practically one for each day of the year. *** [music: "Swanee River"] Now a journey into yesterday. A lovely setting outside Charleston, South Carolina, where the city actually had its beginning long ago. *** In the colorful French Quarter of old New Orleans, American jazz was first heard, and to this day, Dixieland jazz still echoes through these quaint streets. *** Along New Orleans Riverfront, ships and shipping create a busy scene, for the city is the port of entry for the entire Mississippi Basin. *** Over a thousand miles upstream at St. Louis, Missouri, rises the elegantly simple Gateway Memorial, signifying that this was once the jumping off place for the pioneers. And at its very foot, standing with dignity in a city very much of today, is the old St. Louis courthouse: a graceful blending of the old and the new, at the midline of the nation. *** And now, as the Colorado River leads the way, cutting through the mountains, we follow a trail into the great American West. *** [music: "Git Along Little Doggies"] ["As I was out walkin' one mornin' for pleasure, I spied a cowpuncher a-ridin' along. His hat was thrown back and his spurs were a-jinglin', and as he approached he was singin' this song: Whoopee ti yi yo, git along you little doggies, it's your misfortune and none of my own. Whoopee ti yi yo, git along you little doggies, you know that Wyomin' will be your new home."] *** Now through rugged backcountry to one of America's great natural wonders: Zion National Park in the state of Utah. Here, in nature's workshop, is a spectacular scene of wind-carved cliffs and sunbaked rocks. *** Fasten your seatbelts as we venture into Zion's deepest gorge. And now, our magic carpet must navigate with considerable care. Uh, please don't pick the flowers as we pass. *** Natural grandeur untouched and unspoiled: Inspiration Point, Yosemite, high in the California Sierras. And framing the scene: majestic El Capitan and Half Dome. *** Sun Valley, Idaho, carved in a mantle of purest white. Here is a superb ski setting, known the world over. After a strenuous day on the slopes, a pleasant interlude in the quaint streets of the alpine village. *** Now off to our newest frontier: Alaska. Here is true wilderness, as we follow the frozen Yukon. The city of Anchorage: Alaska's crossroads of the world. Here is the stopping point for nearly all air travel between North America and the Orient. *** Mount McKinley, glorious in her glacial grandeur, 20,300 feet high: the highest point on the North American continent. *** That sprinkle of buildings snowed in on the edge of the Bering Sea, is Nome, Alaska, a community standing literally at the ends of the earth. On a nice warm day in summer, the temperature here will average: 49 degrees. *** Ahead of us, crowning its famous hills: San Francisco, city of light, city of elegance, and grace. What other city can boast a street like Lombard Street, where one almost meets oneself coming and going? Here you don't need to turn your head to see the scenery. *** To really know San Francisco's charm is to know it at dusk at Fisherman's Wharf. Here, a rich variety of seafare may be found in every door. *** A different mood in a different town: a wild ride of hook and ladder company through the streets of Los Angeles. *** Behind the cameras are the movie set. A scene that was once the real America has become make-believe America, recreated on every TV screen in the land. *** America at play: on Southern California's Balboa Bay, white sails and blue water provide a picture postcard setting. *** From atop the Hollywood Hills, a Circlevision view of Los Angeles: a sprawling community of cities that knows no end. As evening falls, the vast metropolis is transformed into a fairyland of sparkling lights. *** And now to our 50th and newest state: Hawaii, the pineapple basket of the world. *** Aboard the telephone company cable ship Long Lines, we find ourselves approaching Honolulu Harbor. This is a very special ship. Her job: to help expand and improve the worldwide telephone network. Since she was launched, she has laid underseas cable across the Pacific, the Atlantic, and in the Caribbean. *** And now, another view of Diamond Head, as we descend upon Honolulu from the heights above the city. And below us, the University of Hawaii, whose East-West Center brings together students from every nation in the Pacific. Here on campus, amid the costumes and cultures of many lands, East does meet West. *** This, then, has been our American portrait, a glimpse of a nation's splendor, infinite in its variety, rich in its tradition, and blessed in its heritage. [music: "America the Beautiful"] ["America, America! O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years. Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears. America, America, God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea. America, the beautiful, America!"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [live cast member conclusion: (12-20-82)] Thank you, we hope you enjoyed the movie. I'd like to remind you to stop just outside and see our new charger call payphones and the colorful array of decorator telephones. The exit doors are open to your left, and have a nice day in Disneyland. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcribed by: Mark A. Atkins Updated: March 2, 2002