The significance of The Aggregation to me

On my school trip to Disneyland on November 23, 1968, my friend Steve and I ate Moon Burgers for lunch at the futuristic Tomorrowland Terrace while The Aggregation played. I had only begun to listen to the radio regularly during the summer of that year, so I didn't recognize any of the band's songs at the time.

Tomorrowland Terrace postcard

Some days later at home I happened to hear Donovan's song "Season of the Witch" on the radio and recognized it as one that The Aggregation had played at Disneyland. The song brought back strong memories of that day, especially of Tomorrowland. I loved the poignant vocals and mysterious sound of it!

I taped up my postcards of Disneyland that I had bought there, and from then on whenever the song would come on the radio I would gaze at the postcards and bask in the memories of that very enjoyable day. Furthermore, the song's incessant mysterious groove with the sustained organ seemed to fit perfectly with Monsanto's postcard painting of the silent Peoplemover rolling by at night. It was as if the music-motion-scenery-mood formed an artistic, cohesive whole, like living in a scene from a movie, and the combination was so strong that it felt almost like a tangible entity.

1968 Monsanto Peoplemover postcard

Thanks to Disneyland, Steve, and The Aggregation, "Season of the Witch" become one of my top ten favorite songs of all time, Donovan became one of my favorite groups of all time, and Disneyland became one of my favorite places in the world. That fun day was one of the happiest days I've ever experienced, and I hope this site will help reflect some of that wonderful feeling back to everyone. There is indeed some truth in Disneyland's slogan "The happiest place on earth."


Updated: November 7, 2001

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