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Name : SkyCoaster

: Thrill Ride
: Freefall
Status : Operating since May, 1995
Builder : Sky Fun, Inc.
Cost : $?

Length : ? feet
Height : 180 feet
Drop : 200 feet
Inversions : 0
Speed : 63 mph
Duration : 5 min : 00 sec
Capacity : ? riders per hour
Angle of Descent : ? degrees

Arrangement : 1 cord with 1 car per cord. Riders are arranged 3 across in 1 row for a total of 3 riders per cord.
Features : Over a giant lake
Restraints : Giant body harnest
Height Restrictions : ? inches or taller

Records :

Identical Rides :

Support Color : Grey
Inner Rail Color :
Outer Rail Color :

Restraint Color 1 :

Restraint Color 2 : Red

POV Video 160 x 120 ? mb Download
Model's are ©2001 Keith McVeen.
POV Animation 160 x 120 ? mb Download
SkyCoaster ? kb Download
This ride is very extreme and exciting, getting a freefall ride, with only up to 3 people, all under your control... you pull the cord, it's pretty freaky! What makes this ride better than others is for its extreme height, making it over 50 feet taller than the defaults. Also, the majority of the ride is over the lake, making the first fall seem like you are taking a straight dive in towards the water. When you ride this, expect a crowd watching, because most don't brave to take the dare and want to watch other people act totally nuts. The disapointment is the high fee, at $20 a person and ususally is hard to get a reservation for the ride. Overall, an extreme ride that is guarenteed to get a rush.
Rating : 8.3 / 10
Review by : Andrew Cavuoto

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