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Name : Goliath

: Roller Coaster
: Steel Hyper Coaster
Status : Operating since February 10, 2000
Builder : Giovanola
Cost : $?

Length : 4500 feet
Height : 235 feet
Drop : 255 feet
Inversions : 0
Speed : 85 mph
Duration : 3 min : 00 sec
Capacity : 1600 riders per hour
Angle of Descent : 61 degrees

Arrangement : 3 trains with 5 cars per train. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 32 riders per train.
Features : 120 ft long tunnel
Restraints : Lap bars
Height Restrictions : 48 inches or taller

Records :
3rd tallest coaster from 2000-2002

Identical Rides :

Support Color : Teal
Inner Rail Color :
Outer Rail Color :

Car Color 1,2,3 :
Seat Color 1,2,3 :
Restraint Color 1,2,3 :

POV Video 160 x 120 ? mb Download
Model's are ©2001 Keith McVeen.
POV Animation 160 x 120 ? mb Download
Goliath ? kb Download
This is one awesome ride and "Goliath" is the perfect name for it... meaning huge, strong, tall; it's a living giant! At the bottom of the drop, you hit an underground tunnel which is in the perfect spot, the bottom of the biggest hill. From there you go up in down in some of the most unique hills and finish the ride, making you feel like a giant, like you just conquered something so huge and strong, only the bravest can handle. The scenery is great on the coaster with giant, rock solid decals and lots of palm trees giving you a sense of the south. Overall, a must-ride coaster!
Rating : 9.2 / 10
Review by : Andrew Cavuoto

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