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Name : The Riddler's Revenge

: Roller Coaster
: Steel Stand-Up Coaster
Status : Operating since April 4, 1998
Builder : Bolliger & Mabillard
Cost : $14,000,000

Length : 4370 feet
Height : 156 feet
Drop : 146 feet
Inversions : 6
Speed : 65 mph
Duration : 3 min : 00 sec
Capacity : 1800 riders per hour
Angle of Descent : ? degrees

Arrangement : 3 trains with 8 cars per train. Riders are arranged 4 across in 1 row for a total of 32 riders per train.
Features : One 360-degree vertical loop, one 360 degree oblique loop, two over-the-top diving loops, two 150-foot-long barrel rolls.
Restraints : Giant shoulder restraints
Height Restrictions : 54 inches or taller

Records :
Tallest stand-up coaster
Fastest stand-up coaster
Longest stand-up coaster
Most inversions for a stand-up coaster

Identical Rides :

Support Color : Black
Inner Rail Color :
Outer Rail Color :

Car Color 1,2,3 :
Seat Color 1,2,3 :
Restraint Color 1,2,3 :

POV Video 160 x 120 ? mb Download
Model's are ©2001 Keith McVeen.
POV Animation 160 x 120 ? mb Download
The Riddler's Revenge ? kb Download
This coaster reminds me why I love stand-up's so much! This ride looks so complex from the ground, but once you ride it, you really see how complex it is! The first is great, because it travels in the middle of a loop up a large hill, then the first drop is basic, and from there, you twirl through inversion after inversion. The ride covers most basic typers of inversions, including a normal loop, crooked loop, and corkscrews. It hits a couple small hills, but is most remembered for its inversions. You end smoothly behind a riddler's hide-out building and then enter back where you began. The themeing is also top-notch for a Six Flags park, with lots of riddler decals. In the line, you wait in the dark with special lights and effects. I suggest that all thrill seekers who are looking for something different to ride this unique coaster.
Rating : 9.1 / 10
Review by : Andrew Cavuoto

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